Open port 6881. How to open ports on windows

Recently I had to manually open ports TCP on Windows 8.1
Usually what is open by default in Windows is enough, but if you are experiencing problems, for example, connecting to the mail server, and the usual ways to solve such problems (clearing the cache, changing security settings, disabling firewall) do not help, you may need to open one or another port for network connections.

Wikipedia: The term firewall or its English equivalent firewall is also used to mean “firewall”.
TLS (English Transport Layer Security - transport layer security, like its predecessor SSL (English Secure Socket Layers - secure socket layer) - cryptographic protocols that provide secure data transfer between nodes on the Internet.
SMTP uses TCP port 25 by default. SSL protocol to send mail, uses port 465 by default.
POP3 uses TCP port 110 by default. TLS protocol for receiving mail uses port 995 by default.

In order to open TCP or UDP ports, you must:

1. Click the button and go to Applications Windows 8.1.
2. Find and click the icon Control Panel.
3. Select Windows Firewall.
4. In the left panel Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Windows Firewall click on Extra options.
5. A window will open.
6. In case of request from UAC Enter the administrator password to confirm the action.

Wikipedia: Control accounts users(English: User Account Control, UAC) - component of operating rooms Microsoft systems Windows, which first appeared in Windows Vista. This component prompts you to confirm actions that require administrator rights to help protect against unauthorized use of your computer. The computer administrator can disable User Account Control in the Control Panel.

7. Click on Rules for incoming connections in the left pane of the window Windows Firewall with Advanced Security incoming connections, for example, for port 995 mail server, on either Rules for outgoing connections, if you need to create a rule for outgoing connections, for example, for port 465 of the mail server.

8. Click on Create a rule... in the right panel.
9. After this a window will open Wizard for creating a rule for a new outgoing connection. Select a button For port and press the button Further:

10. Choose TCP protocol And Specific Remote Ports, enter, for example, the required port number 465 and press the button Further:

11. Choose Allow connection and press Further:

12. Select the profile to which the rule applies:

13. We indicate Name And Description this rule and press the button Ready.

All! The port is open to network connection. If you need to open multiple ports, you must repeat the above steps for each port separately.

Not everyone knows how to open ports on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, but many PC users have probably heard about them. However, for some online games or programs that require Internet access, opening additional connections becomes necessary. Sometimes you need to open or check already open ports.

A port is a specific numeric code that allows the system to exchange data with hosting providers from the Internet. This is a kind of path that helps you check the necessary data and get it from a remote server to your computer, exactly at the address.

Some applications do not require opening an additional connection, since it is already open. But for some closed resources, games (for example, Minecraft), this has to be done manually.

Opening methods

Easiest general way

The most accessible method is quite simple. Below is an algorithm of actions that need to be performed:

  • In the “Control Panel” we find the “System and Security” item, then open “Windows Firewall”.

Open Windows Firewall

  • Select "Advanced options"
  • In the window that appears, select “Rules for incoming connections” (left column).

Select “Rules for incoming connections”

  • Next, you need to create a rule, click on the corresponding icon.
  • Rule type “For port”, click the “Next” button, put a marker on “TCP Protocol” and enter the number (you need to check it exactly). Click “Next” again.

Place a marker on “TCP Protocol”

  • Leave all the checkboxes - they determine which profiles the rule will apply to.

Leave all the boxes ticked

  • Then you will need to come up with a name and, if you require it, a description. Click “Finish”.

Specifying a name

That's it - you have a new rule, now the computer will be able to connect to the desired server.

Connection for the program

This method may be required if the previous one was unable to provide the required application with the required network activity. That is, simply, the required program still does not connect to the Internet.

  1. According to the previous algorithm, we get to the place where we need to select the type of rule, select the type of rule “For program”
  2. Place a marker on the “Program Path”, select using the “Browse” button, or manually enter the program address.
  3. Click “Next” and check “Allow connection”.
  4. Then we repeat everything we did with the previous method.

As a result, this program will be allowed to connect to the network.

By itself, it can often block many connections, so in some cases you can simply try disabling it. However, if you do not have any antivirus installed on your computer, then using the Internet with the firewall disabled can be dangerous for your computer.

To disable the firewall, you just need to go into it, select “Turn on or off” Windows Firewall", in the settings settings, check the boxes for "Turn off Windows Firewall" and click "OK".


You don't always need to drive new number and choose a protocol, sometimes it is enough to know how to check if a port is open. This can be done using a special command. First, enter “cmd” (without quotes) in the command line (opened by pressing Win+R), then click “OK”, and in the window that appears, enter the command “netstat -a”. A list of all open protocols will then appear. This way it is easy to check their quantity. Such a check can be carried out on various free Internet services, which will also provide this information.

It's quite easy to open new connections or disable blocking them altogether. These restrictions, with small skills, will not prevent you from gaining access to the necessary information or data from the Internet. Now, if necessary, you can both open a port on your computer and check which ones are open.

Any user may need port forwarding personal computer on Windows 10 or other OS. This article discusses all options for opening ports through a firewall, antivirus and router. For clarity, an example is shown with port forwarding to connect to a multi-user server Minecraft games(online games are one of the main and common uses of this instruction).

Many programs and games that use an Internet connection only work with certain protocols. Default operating Windows system 10 protects the computer from free access to any ports for security purposes. The same can be said about antivirus software (does not apply to standard Windows Defender) and router. Therefore, the user must independently allow access to a particular port when it is unavailable. Below is an example of forwarding for the online game Minecraft.

Firewall forwarding

Let's start setting up the built-in Windows 10 firewall. To allow access to a port, you need to create rules for incoming and outgoing connections. You can do this as follows:

  1. Open Control Panel.
  1. Go to the "System and Security" section.
  1. Now open the Windows Defender Firewall subsection.
  1. On the left side, click on the “Advanced options” button.
  1. Most games use both incoming and outgoing connections, so you need to create two rules. First, click on “Rules for incoming connections” and select the “Create rule” action.
  1. You can open the port separately for the program (1) or give the computer access to it completely (2).
  1. By default, Minecraft uses port 25565 for its operation. Since it uses both protocols (1), you will have to create two rules for incoming and outgoing connections. Do not select “All local ports” (2) so as not to make a huge “hole” in the security of your PC. In line (3) enter 25565 and click “Next”.
  1. Now check the first box and click “Next” again.
  1. Set up profile access.
  1. Enter a rule name and description. To create, click “Done”. The same must be done with the UDP protocol.
  1. Now in the main window, select “Rules for outgoing connections” and click on “Create rule” again. Do the same operation as described above. Once the configuration is complete, you should have 4 rules (2 for incoming connections and 2 for outgoing connections) for port 25565.

Opening it in the firewall settings may not be enough for the Minecraft game to work, so let’s forward it in the antivirus.

Forwarding in antivirus software

The interface of each antivirus may differ from each other. However, the principle and essence of the actions remain the same. Let's consider opening port 25565 using the Kaspersky security program as an example:

  1. Open the program settings using the marked icon.
  1. Go to the "Advanced" tab and open the "Network" section.
  1. In the marked item, click on “Select”.
  1. In the list that opens, click on the “Add” button.
  1. Specify the name and enter the value 25565, then save the changes with the “Add” button.

Forwarding through router settings

The same procedure must be carried out in the router settings. To do this, you need to follow the presented guide (works only for users with a static IP):

  1. Open your browser and enter the device's IP in the address bar. Typically this address is or (you can find the exact address of the router in the documentation or on the back panel of the device).
  1. Log in using your username and password.
  1. In the side menu, click on WAN and go to the marked tab.
  1. Click on “Yes” (1), enter the name of the rule, the exact value 25565 in both fields (2) and click the “Add” button (3). This operation must be done for UDP and TCP protocols.

After completing the settings, the router will automatically reboot and you will be able to continue using the Internet. Now you know how to forward for Minecraft and you can safely enjoy the gameplay online with other players.

Depending on the router model, for example, TP Link, the sequence of actions may be slightly different.

Ports in uTorrent

The uTorrent client can also block connections using its built-in firewall. To remove the blocking you need:

  1. Open the uTorrent client and go to settings.
  1. Open the “Connection” section. In the marked line, enter the required number and save the changes with the “OK” button.
  1. Notice the marked indicator at the bottom of the torrent client. Click on it to test the connection.
  1. In the window that opens, click on “Test” (1). Pay attention to the port value (2) - it must match what you entered in the settings window.
  1. If after the test you receive green checkmarks, then the connection has been successfully established.

However, this does not mean that performing this operation will increase the speed of downloading files via torrent. It all depends on the number of peers.


To check, two methods are usually used - the website and the command line. Let's figure out how to check the port through the website:

  1. Open the link and go to the “Port Check” section.

Below is a table with some popular TCP/UDP ports. Commonly known and reported values ​​range from 0 to 49151. The range 49152 to 65535 is used for short-lived client-server connections.

Number Purpose
80 Connecting to HTTP
280 Connecting to HTTP-MGMT
3389 Remote Desktop
443 HTTPS connection, various games
515 Print service
666 MDQS, DOOM games
990 FTPS
1167 Conference systems
1234 Streaming video, VLC player
1241 Nessus Security Scanner
5121 Neverwinter Nights
6969 BitTorrent
8621 Ace Stream
16591 Access to IP cameras and recorders from mobile devices
19226 Panda Software
27015 Half-Life games
27018 Steam service
29900 Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
37904 LG TV


Forwarding TCP/UDP connections is not difficult. After reading our instructions, you can repeat all the steps even without minimal practice. If you are a fan of online games or use applications that actively interact with the network, then the presented guide will definitely be useful to you. Do not limit yourself to opening a connection only in the firewall/antivirus/router separately - all of the listed elements can simultaneously block the desired protocol.

You can open access to all connections by disabling security services (firewall, antivirus). However, such actions will have an extremely negative impact on the overall security of your personal computer, so we do not recommend disabling protection.


This video clearly shows and describes all the steps in the instructions. With its help, you will be able to understand difficult and incomprehensible moments.

About ports, and it will clarify the situation.

Everyone has been using simulators for a long time ( local network ), after some providers at the beginning of the new decade disconnected all their subscribers from the local network, leaving them only with an Internet connection.

It was from that moment that the popularization began imitators, because without them, it was impossible to play with a neighbor with any toy. And from that moment on, the question about " opening ports"became more popular, and many “pseudo-sysadmins” tried to post up-to-date guidance on how to open ports on their hardware. But not everyone knows what and how to do it correctly.

What is " Open port "? Yes, everything ingenious is simple - any computer on the network has a certain identifier (name, MAC address, IP), so, according to IP a certain packet arrives at the router, but it doesn’t just arrive via IP, and by special channel (port), through which the program sends/receives requests from the external network. According to the standard, this packet will not pass beyond the router, since by default (hereinafter referred to as default), the port on which the program runs is closed, and in order to receive the packet, it must be opened.

What they write on the Internet - you can open ports, regardless of what network equipment is installed - all this is nonsense! Any knowledgeable system administrator will tell you that IPs are divided into two types - " White" And " Grey", and only on one can you open ports to receive "packets" from outside. Grey- this is when IP can move from hand to hand many times (also referred to as dynamic), White- or real (in other words static) can be assigned only for one user, and will not change hands.

It is according to the “White” IP that you should open ports on your equipment. To get your “White” IP you need reverse to your provider, and after that, he will assign an IP to you. This service is paid everywhere, and depending on the region it can range from 50 rubles/month.

Let's say we bought real IP from your provider, and now you need to start setting up. Let's look at the settings for 4 popular router models (ASUS/TP-Link/D-Link/Zyxel):

Setting up an ASUS router

Opening ports on a real (white) IP in an ASUS router

Note: setup was carried out on the equipment ASUS RT-N12 C1 with firmware (black interface)

  1. ), with login and password ( admin/admin
  2. In the left menu select " Internet" (or WAN) -> Port Forwarding(or Virtual Server/Port Forwarding)
  3. Enable this option by checking the box next to " Enable port forwarding: Yes".
  4. Choose from ready-made templates specified ports, or enter your own:
    • Service name- you can be anything
    • Port range- you can enter either one port (for example 80) or a range (27000:27099)
    • Local IP
    • End port- just like in “Range”, you need to enter it depending on what you entered first - one or a range.
    • Protocol- TCP/UDP/BOTH /OTHER - select one (TCP/UDP ports select)
  5. After entering the data, click on the plus sign (to the left of the filling form).
  6. And after entering the data, click “Save”.

Setting up a D-Link router

Opening ports on the real (white) IP in the D-link router

Note: setup is done on the router D-link DIR 615 with white interface of the latest firmware 2.5.20 .

  1. Connect to your router via a browser ( . or in some ), with login and password ( admin/admin). You can find out about this on the back of the router or in its instructions.
  2. In the left menu select Firewall/ Virtual servers .
  3. We choose from ready-made templates, or enter our own (by selecting " Costom"):
    • Service name- you can be anything
    • Protocol- select the desired protocol.
    • External port (initial)
    • Internal port (initial)
    • Internal IP
  4. Apply", and then through " System" - select the item "", and only after that the ports should open.
Note: The interface items and names may differ depending on the model and firmware of the network equipment (router).

Setting up a TP-Link router

Opening ports on the real (white) IP in the TP-Link router

TP-LINK TL-WR940N / TL-WR941ND with firmware 3.13.31 .

  1. Connect to your router via a browser ( ), with login and password ( admin/admin). You can find out about this on the back of the router or in its instructions.
  2. In the left menu select Forwarding (Forwarding) -> Virtual servers (Virtual Server).
  3. After opening the section " Virtual servers"You should see a page with a list of open ports. In order to open the port you need, here you need to click on the “Add new” button and fill out the form:
    • Service port– external port. Here you need to enter the port (or a range of ports separated by a hyphen, for example, 10100-10200)
    • Internal port– an internal port that will be used by programs on your computer.
    • IP address
    • Protocol
    • State (Status) – port status.
  4. After entering the data, you can click " Save" (Save).
Note: The interface items and names may differ depending on the model and firmware of the network equipment (router).

Setting up a ZyXEL router

Opening ports on the real (white) IP in the ZyXEL router

Note: setup is done on the router ZyXEL Keenetic with firmware 2.0 .

  1. Connect to your router via a browser ( ), with login and password ( admin/admin or admin/1234). You can find out about this on the back of the router or in its instructions.
  2. In the left menu select "Safety"(in the form of a shield) -> .
  3. After opening the section " Network Address Translation (NAT)"Click on the "Add" button and add according to the template:
    • Interface– select the required interface.
      Attention! The Interface field must be entered correctly. Depending on whether your ISP uses authentication (PPPoE, L2TP or PPTP), the meaning of this field may vary. If authorization with the provider is not used, you should always select the Broadband connection (ISP) interface. If your provider uses PPPoE to access the Internet, then you should select the appropriate PPPoE interface.
      If you are given simultaneous access to the provider’s local network and the Internet (Link Duo), you need to select the Broadband connection (ISP) interface to forward a port from the local network, and select a tunnel interface (PPPoE, PPTP or L2TP) to forward a port from the Internet.
    • Protocol– you can specify a protocol from the list of presets that will be used when forwarding the port (in our example, TCP/21 is used – Transmission FTP files). When you select TCP or UDP in the Protocol field, you can
    • TCP/UDP ports- specify the port number or range of ports.
    • Redirect to address- indicate the local IP address of the computer.
  4. After entering the data, you can click " Save".
Note: The interface items and names may differ depending on the model and firmware of the network equipment (router).

Summing up, we can draw the following conclusion - that in order to forward ports and save your nerve cells, it is better to immediately buy from your provider static (white) IP, since on gray - port forwarding will not be possible. If everything was done successfully, then the visibility of the ports can be checked on , or on . From the experiment with routers, I was able to do everything correctly on only three out of four routers (except Zyxel).

In addition to opening a port on the router, the user needs to check whether it is open on the computer. Opening the port is necessary for the operation of certain applications or server installation. Often the port is blocked by your security system. operating system. In our article we will describe ways to solve this problem.

First, let's check which ports are open on your computer. Let's use the command line. To call the line, press the Win+R key combination and write the command “cmd”.
In the window command line We write “netstat -a” and see a list of open ports on your PC. The LISTENING state means that a process has opened these ports and is waiting for connections. The ESTABLISHED state means that ports are open in a specific process or application.

If your computer is connected through a router, then you first need to open the ports on the router. How to do this is indicated in the article

In order to open TCP ports or UDP ports on your computer, you need to go to the firewall settings. Press the key combination Win+R. And enter the firewall.cpl command and click OK.
In the firewall settings, click on the “Advanced settings” link.

Let's go to the firewall settings section. On the left side of the menu, click on the item “Rules for incoming connections”

A list opens. In the “Action” window, create a rule for the port.

Select the protocol type. Check "Allow connection". Click the Next button.

In the “Name” column we write the name for the rule - for example, torrent client. Click the Finish button.

If all actions were performed correctly, the port with the created rule will be open.
You can also check whether a port is open or closed using various online services. For example,

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