Step-by-step setup of the d link dir 320 router. An old horse, it doesn’t spoil the furrow

Connecting the D-Link DIR-320 router to a 3G modem. The DIR-320 router manufactured by D-Link is not the most popular router model. However, this particular device is best suited for connecting a 3G modem. If you want to set up a wireless Internet connection not only for a computer or laptop, but also for mobile devices, create a local network using a 3G modem and router. Why should you choose D-Link DIR-320? Firstly, this router has all the characteristics necessary to create such a network. And secondly, it can be purchased at an affordable price.

The characteristics of this router largely coincide with the D-Link DIR-300 model, but there are several significant differences. The D-Link DIR-320 router is equipped with USB port 2.0 type A, designed for connecting a USB modem. The port is located on back cover devices, this is the first connector on the left.

The router supports automatic connection to wireless network 2G/3G. Among additional functions– the ability to enable/disable PIN code verification and PIN code change. There are several firmware versions for the D-Link DIR-320 router. The optimal firmware version for setting up a 3G modem is DIR_320NRU-1.2.94, it can be downloaded on the Internet. If your device has a different firmware version installed, this is not critical. You can also connect a 3G modem, the setup process will just take longer.

Connecting the D-Link DIR-320 router to a 3G modem - go to the router

So, let's consider connecting a router with firmware DIR_320NRU-1.2.94. First, let's configure the computer's operating system: prepare the network card and determine the provider settings. Then you can start connecting and configuring the router. To do this, connect the device and open any Internet browser. In the address bar, enter the IP address of your router (default is

Press Enter, after which the authorization window appears. Now you need to enter your username and password. By default, the Username/Password combination looks like “admin/admin”. Fill in these fields and click the “Login” button. The system will prompt you to change your password for security purposes. Install New Password and save the settings. Then the authorization form will appear again, where you need to enter “admin” in the “Username” field and a new password in the “Password” field.

Connecting the D-Link DIR-320 router to a 3G modem - setting up connections

In the window that opens, select “Network”, and then “Connections”. A table will immediately appear, below which there is an “Add” button.

By clicking on this button you will be taken to the connection settings menu. Then set the connection type to “3G”.

In the “PPP Settings” section, fill in the fields “PPP Username”, “Password”, “Password Confirmation”, “APN” and “Dial-up Number”. We leave other fields unchanged. Click the “Save” button.

Information about the created connection will appear in a new window. Next to the desired connection, select “Default Gateway”. Then click on “Save” in the upper right corner. After that, in the “System” window that appears, click “Save with reboot.”

If the SIM card used in the 3G modem has a PIN code, enter the USB modem menu. Select the “PIN” section, enter the code in the appropriate field, then click “Change” and save the settings. This completes the connection of the router to the 3G modem.

You can connect the DIR-320 router to the Internet using an external modem or a regular Internet cable provided by your provider. All parameters are specified in the web interface; setting up the router does not require installing a separate application. D-Link devices have a large number of settings to achieve optimal performance home network.

Connecting the DIR-320 router and logging into the web interface

You can configure the router with a wired or Wi-Fi connection. Insert into the router the Internet cable that was installed into the premises by your provider. To do this, use the last port, indicated in gray. Connect your home computers using the LAN ports highlighted in blue on the back panel.

Insert the power supply plug into the “5V-2A” connector. If the Internet is connected via an external 2G/3G modem, insert it into the “USB” connector. Plug the DIR-320 into a power outlet only after connecting all cables and external devices. Otherwise, the router may malfunction or be damaged.

Connect the network on the computer from which you will change the parameters of the D-Link DIR-320 router. At using Wi-Fi select "D-Link" from the list of wireless connections. By default, there is no encryption, so you can complete the operation without entering a password. If you are using a cable connection, insert the plug into the Ethernet port of your computer or laptop.

On your chosen device, open a web browser, such as Google Chrome. In the address bar of the program, enter the IP through which you will access the settings of the DIR-320 router. The address in the router's standard firmware is: On the page that opens, you will need to enter data to access the control panel. Standard login and password: “admin”. Fill out the text fields and click “Login.”

Note! If the account on the D-Link DIR-320 was changed earlier, reset the router settings. To do this, press and hold the “Reset” button on the rear panel for 10 seconds. When the factory settings are restored, log in again using the default data.

If you enter your account information correctly, you will be redirected to the statistics page. Among other data, it displays the total number random access memory on the DIR-320 router and the amount of available memory. Below is the time since the D-Link router was last turned on.

Internet connection via 2G/3G modem

To establish a connection through an external device, go to the “Internet Settings” menu and in the first field, check the “USB Adapter” value. Select your carrier name from the following drop-down list. If the system does not have data for your 2G or 3G provider, set the value to " " and write the operator's name in the next text field.

In the “Username” and “Password” sections, enter the information provided by your provider. If necessary, enter the dial-up number in the appropriate field and the name of the access point in the “APN” line. You can find out the necessary information in technical support or on the official website of the Internet provider. It is recommended to leave the remaining points unchanged.

Open the “USB modem -> Information” section. In the first list, specify the modem type depending on the wireless generation you are using. Allow access to mobile Internet in the second drop-down list. The remaining rows of the table will contain information about the connected device. Click the "Connect" button in the lower right corner of the page.

Important! If the modem is not recognized, unplug it, then plug it back into the USB port and click the "Update" button below the table.

Some operators require you to enter a PIN code to connect to the mobile Internet. You can specify this information in the same menu, through the “PIN” section. Enter current digital password provided by the operator, in the “PIN code” field. To prevent the system from prompting you for a code each time you connect, check the box and click “Apply.”

Cable connection of DIR-320 to the Internet

Open the Network menu and go to the tab P-t-p interfaces" By default, their list will be empty. To create new interface for D-Link, click the "Add" link in the connection table. In this section you can create network connection using L2TP, PPTP and PPPoE protocols.

Select the connection type from the first list. It can be specified in the agreement concluded with the Internet provider. The data is also indicated there account, if they are required to establish a connection. If there is no contract, you can clarify the data by calling or writing to the support of the company that provides Internet connection services. Fill in the required fields and click “Edit”.

Connecting with a static IP is done in a similar way. When you select “Static” in the “Interface Type” section, new text fields appear: IP address, network mask, MAC address. All this data is also provided by the provider.

The “Status -> Network Statistics” section contains information about the operation of different interfaces, including:

  • Assigned addresses;
  • Reception and return speed;
  • Number of received and sent packets;
  • Dropped packets;
  • Packets received with errors.

Setting network parameters

You can manage running interfaces in the “Network -> Network interfaces" The current connection status is displayed next to each entry. Each of them can be temporarily stopped or disabled. Available interfaces include connected LAN devices (laptops, computers and other home network devices), wireless technologies Wi-Fi and WiMAX.

To add DNS servers, go to the “Name Servers” section. The default “Configuration method” field is set to automatically receive values ​​from the Internet provider. Selecting “Manual” will allow you to specify other DNS servers. You will be able to enter their IP addresses in the second text box. To save addresses, click “Edit”.

Assignment of IP addresses within local network performed by the DHCP server. Open the “DHCP Settings” tab to change its operating mode. In the “Static DHCP” table you can bind permanent addresses for individual devices. The match is determined by the MAC address.

You can find out the MAC address of the device for further binding in its settings. For computers under control operating system Windows definition MAC is produced in command line. To do this, use the command: “ipconfig /all”.

The settings of the current server can be changed by clicking on its name. The most important parameters in this table are the start and end addresses of the range. The system will automatically assign IP addresses from this numerical range to new clients. If you need to change it, make sure that the new values ​​are within the range allocated for local networks.

Training video: Step-by-step setup of D-link DIR-320 for dummies

Wi-Fi setup

Open the “Network -> Wireless Connection” tab. The first checkbox is responsible for the operation of the Wi-Fi module. If you remove it, the router's wireless broadcasting will be stopped. Other options:

  • Hide access point—makes the network invisible in the general list.
  • SSID is the Wi-Fi name that will be displayed when searching for networks.
  • Country—allows you to select the territory in which the device is used. The parameter affects the list of allowed channels.
  • Channel—band number within the Wi-Fi frequency. Standard value: 6.
  • To select the encryption type and specify the Wi-Fi access key, click “Security Settings.”

In the first list, select the network authentication method. By default, the connection to D-Link is unencrypted and no password is required to connect to Wi-Fi. It is recommended not to leave the value "Open" to avoid interception network traffic. Select a different authentication type and set a PSK key (the password that will be used for Wi-Fi).

Important video: D LINK dir 320 router settings

Changing router system parameters

On the “System” tab, you can reboot the D-Link router or go to any subsection. If a reboot is performed by clicking a button in the Actions table, the changes made in the previous steps will not be applied. To save them, use another button: “Save and reload”. It is located in the upper right corner.

The “Administrator Password” section allows you to change the standard account information. To do this, select the “admin” user and check the “Change system password” checkbox. Enter the new password and its confirmation in the next two text fields. To ensure the best protection for your home network, use complex passwords, containing special characters, numbers, small and capital letters.

When everything is needed Wi-Fi settings D-Link DIR-320 router will be changed, it is recommended to save the configuration to a file. Go to the menu item “System -> Configuration”, click “ Backup copy" and select the directory in which the backup will be written. If the router malfunctions or another user accidentally restores the factory configuration, you can return the settings from the saved file.

Advice! To restore factory settings, use the corresponding item in the same menu.

D-Link recommends regular updates software router. Each new firmware contains not only expanded functionality, but also network security updates. Using the latest version of the software will protect your device from hacker attacks. Current version can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website, in the “Support -> FTP” section.

The downloaded file is installed on the DIR-320 through the “System -> Software Update” menu. Click the “Browse” button and specify the path in the system where the new firmware is saved. Then click "Update" in the lower right corner. The update installation process will take several minutes. After automatic reboot router you can use new version software.

At home or in a small office. Moreover, with its help you can implement both wireless connection of devices and using twisted pair. In the latter case, a limitation is imposed: there are only 4 ports, which is exactly how many devices can be connected.


The D-Link DIR-320 boasts the following equipment:

    user manual;

  • power supply with non-removable cord and plug;

    meter twisted pair, crimped at both ends with appropriate lugs;

    disk with drivers and an electronic version of the documentation for the router.

Appearance and purpose of connection elements, indication and control

An information panel is displayed on the front of the device, which consists of the following LED indicators:

    Power: Lights up continuously during operation and indicates that the device is plugged in.

    Status: When the router is operating normally, it blinks continuously. If it lights up continuously, an error has occurred and the device must be restarted.

    Internet: may simply light continuously (if there is a connection, but no data is being exchanged) or blink (if there is a connection and information is being transferred).

    The next 4 ports are wired. When connected, they light up continuously and blink when data is being exchanged. If the port is not used during operation, then the corresponding indicator is disabled.

    The last LED indicator is associated with the printer. It simply lights up continuously when a printing device is connected, and blinks while the document is being output.

The following communication and control elements are located on the back of the device:

    antenna wireless connection;

    USB port for connecting a printer;

    4 LAN ports for creating a wired part of the LAN;

    input port for connecting twisted pair cable from the provider;

    power supply connection socket;

    Reset button to reboot the router.

Selecting a location for installing a network device

At the first stage, we choose the right place for installation. And here, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. On the one hand, all wires must be suitable for the installation site of the router, and there must be an outlet nearby for power supply. On the other hand, it is most correct to place the router in the center of the room: this will ensure excellent speed of transmission and reception of information, high level Wi-Fi signal. The router should also not be placed near metal sheets, which can dampen the wireless network signal. Based on the recommendations given earlier, you need to choose the location of the router.

D-Link DIR-320 sequence

The order of this network device model is as follows:

    We assemble a temporary circuit for initial setup;

    turn on the device and configure it properly;

    we analyze the temporary scheme;

    install the router in a permanent place;

    We assemble a permanent local area network circuit;

    turn on the router;

    testing the correct settings in the wired network segment;

    We check the functionality of the Wi-Fi wireless network.

The router can also be configured at a permanent location, provided that the computer is constantly connected to it by wire. Since this condition cannot always be met, it is recommended to do the setup in 2 stages.

Temporary connection for configuration

The next step in setting up the D-Link DIR-320 router is collecting a temporary diagram for configuring the network device. To do this, install it next to a PC or laptop. We use the complete crimped one to connect the computer and the router. We install one end of it into the port network card PC, and the second in any of the 4-wire ports of the router (but not the one intended for exchanging data with the provider’s equipment). We install the power supply into any nearest free outlet, and the cord from it into the power socket of the router. The temporary diagram is ready.

Set the parameters

Now you need to set the software D-Link settings DIR-320. To do this we do the following:

    turn on the connected computer and router;

    wait for the computer and network device to finish loading;

    launch any of the browsers available on the PC;

    in the address bar of the browser, type the combination of numbers (this is the network address of our router) and press Enter;

    in response, a request will appear with a login and, of course, a password. In the first field, enter admin. The second field is left blank when starting for the first time. If this is not the first launch, then enter the password in the second field, which was previously specified;

    in the router configuration interface that opens, select “Connection Wizard”;

    then set a new administrator password and confirm it, if necessary;

    At the next stage, you need to set the connection settings to the provider’s network equipment. This data is provided by the Internet service provider and is usually specified in the contract. This includes the connection type (for example, PPPoE or L2TP), login and password to establish the connection (if required), static or dynamic network address;

    After making all the necessary settings, click the Connect button. The router will then reboot;

    after rebooting the router, go to the setup menu using the previously described method and select the “Wireless Network Setup Wizard” item;

    then set the name of the wireless network at your discretion;

    The next step is to set the wireless network password. Again, at your own discretion;

    save the changes and force reboot the router.

    The preliminary setup is completed, you can turn off the computer and network device and disassemble the temporary circuit.

    We install the router in a permanent place and connect

    Now we install the D-Link DIR-320 router in a permanent place that most optimally meets the previously stated conditions. We bring all wired communications here: twisted pair cable from the provider and other devices that connect to the LAN in this way. We connect the incoming wire from the Internet service provider to the “Internet” port. In the remaining 4 ports we connect the equipment that will use a wired connection. We install the power supply into the outlet, its cord to the router socket. After completely collecting the permanent circuit and checking the correct connections, turn on the router.

    Checking the wired LAN segment

    After the D-Link DIR-320 NRU router boots up, you can test the wired part of the LAN. To do this, on any computer connected to the router using twisted pair, go to the network settings (Start\Control Panel\Network Connections). Next, create a new connection and save it. We close all windows. Launch any browser and enter any Internet address and press Enter. After this it should open start page. If this does not happen, check the settings that must be configured to automatically obtain a network address.

    Testing the wireless part of the local area network

    Next you need to check the functionality of the wireless WiFi connections. The D-Link DIR-320 router allows you to transfer information at speeds of up to 54 Mbit/s. The connection order in this case is as follows:

      The router must be turned on and in operating mode, and not in the boot phase.

      On any mobile device activate the Wi-Fi transmitter.

      Go to the “Settings” of the device, select WLAN and click on the “Search” button. Upon completion, a complete list of all available wireless LANs will appear.

      We select exactly the network whose name was specified at the setup stage and connect to it. When prompted for a password appears, enter it. At the same time, it is important not to confuse the administrator password for the D-Link DIR-320 and the password for gaining access to the wireless network. It is the second one that needs to be entered, and they must be different.

      Subsequently, the color of the Wi-Fi indicator should change: two triangles should appear on it.


    After setting up the D-Link DIR-320 router, this network device will serve you for many years. This operation, as a rule, has to be performed only when starting up the equipment for the first time. In the future, it functions with the specified values, and there should not be any problems with it.

In order to connect your computer to the Internet, the user needs to configure his router and himself. Only after this will it be possible to easily open various electronic pages of websites and download the necessary information.

Connecting a router

Setup and connection D-LINK router DIR-320 begins by checking the functioning of important network nodes on the router itself and the computer.

To get started, you need to do the following:

Photo: Network designation on the taskbar

If everything is done correctly, then you can start setting up the router itself and the connection.

Login to settings via web management

Before you start setting up D LINK DIR 320, you need to check the operation of network devices.

To do this, you need to perform the following procedure:

These steps are necessary to prepare automatic settings wifi router d-ink dir 320 and local network.

After setup local connection you need to run the disk included with the router. It is necessary to create a local connection to the Internet and configure the router itself. This is done according to the prompts that pop up in the installation window.

Particular attention should be paid when choosing the connection technology parameter - pppoe or l2tp. You should choose a connection format in accordance with the parameters specified in the Internet connection agreement.

The next step is configuration via the web interface. To do this, you need to type the IP address in your Internet browser.

The login and password are in the instructions, which the system will prompt you to change after logging in.

After changing the login and password, an interface will appear on the screen in which all connection parameters will be indicated, including all possible settings parameters based on the provider’s technology.

Photo: Interface with connection parameters

The standard router kit includes a disk with software necessary for the correct operation of the network device, but this does not guarantee the uninterrupted and correct functioning of the D-LINK DIR-320.

How to configure and install latest version required drivers?

Software updates for the D-LINK DIR-320 router can only be done using home internet pages – This procedure should be carried out immediately after installing the basic software from the disk by following the link “”. Download and save the file to your desktop.

Photo: Firmware updates for DIR-320

Thus, the path to the file is set, on the basis of which the router software will be updated. When carrying out this operation, you cannot turn off and restart the computer before it is completed, otherwise a failure may occur and you will have to start installation and configuration from the very beginning.

Photo: Software update progress

When the update is complete, the DIR-320 will reboot.

Setting up the D-LINK DIR-320 router from providers

The providers themselves often take advantage of the information weakness of users, most of whom are simply afraid to get into the hardware and figure it out on their own. In this regard, it is always possible to call an appropriate specialist to your home to carry out the appropriate work on setting up the Internet.

For example, you can order setup of the D-LINK DIR-320 router from Rostelecom by dialing the technical support number. The operator will listen to all your problems and offer a convenient time to call a company specialist at your home.

In fact, all these steps are simple, and you can do them yourself without additional expenses.

To do this, you must adhere to the following sequence:

This sequence of setting up an Internet connection is applicable to the operating room. windows system 7 and 8.

Setting up for Rostelecom

To configure the D-Link DIR-320 router on the Rostelecom provider network, the user must go to the router’s home page ( and perform the following steps:

Setting up for Beeline

Setting up the D-LINK DIR-320 router for the Beeline provider differs from Rostelecom, because they use the connection type "l2tp".

So the user's actions should look like this:

If everything is done correctly, the user will be able to freely use the Internet.

Setting up for MTS

Connection to the Internet from the MTS provider uses pppoe technology.

Therefore, setting up the router D-Link dir 320 will be held as follows:

  1. checking the operation of the network device;
  2. go to the home page of the router in the Internet browser;
  3. install drivers;
  4. update drivers;
  5. go to the “network” tab and select the “connections” line;
  6. in the window that opens, select the “add” option;
  7. connection type is set to “pppoe”;
  8. check the “allow” box;
  9. in the line “physical interface” set the parameter “port5”;
  10. in the user name and password lines we enter the corresponding data from the agreement with the provider;
  11. in the “NAT” and “firewall” lines, check the boxes;
  12. save the parameters and configuration.

Video: Setting up a D-Link dir router

Setting up Megafon

Internet from Megafon is mainly provided using 3G technology. Therefore, all settings are set manually:

  1. go to the router page;
  2. select the “Internet installation” column;
  3. in the updated window at the bottom, select the option “set up an Internet connection manually”;
  4. in the window that opens, select the connection type “3 GUSB adapter”;
  5. in the fields of login, password and dial number in accordance with the parameters issued by the provider under the contract;
  6. save the parameters.

Wireless connection

Network operation via the wi-fi module of the DIR-320 router is very simple and convenient. To set up a wireless connection, just follow the prompts during the initial installation of the driver on the router. If a corresponding message appears during the installation process, you should set the recommended parameters according to the prompts.

Photo: Wi-Fi item in the main window of the web interface

The main attention should be paid to the settings of the network card on the computer to support a wi-fi connection. In this case, you need to go to the control panel, and in it select the network control center and shared access. Next, enter the option to change adapter properties and check the status wi-fi works module. If everything works, then the connection to the Internet will occur immediately and without delay.

Wi-Fi connection settings in Windows 7

If the connection to the Internet does not occur automatically, and this only happens when using older versions of D-LINK DIR-320(b1) or the windowsxp operating system, then manual configuration will be required. To do this, you need to go into the settings of the wireless connection adapter and manually set the IP and DNS address. In this case, the IP address will correspond to the router address, and the submask (dns) will be

Next, the user must create a new connection without changing the parameters. You only enter your login and password information to connect to the Internet, and a shortcut is created on the desktop, when opened, a direct connection occurs.

Thus, in order to fully configure your D-LINK DIR-320 router, you need to:

  • carefully read the instructions for the router;
  • check the operation of the network card and local network settings on the computer;
  • install drivers and configure the connection according to the prompts during the installation process;
  • update drivers to the latest version.

Experienced users can easily cope with such a task, but for beginners it will be difficult. But if they configure their router strictly in accordance with the indicated order, then the result will not be long in coming.

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