Correct settings for easy use of iPad. How to Set Up Your New iPad with iCloud or iTunes

Despite the simplicity of the question, figuring out how turn on iPad Some people can’t do it on their own. We didn’t even see the obvious Home button in the store, since the iPad had just come out, and we had not yet dealt with the iPhone (and other Apple equipment). But even by pressing the Home button, you run the risk of seeing a green icon with a plug that is unclear at first, and it may not be clear to you what to do with it. Therefore, I will tell you how to properly turn on the iPad for the first time after purchase.

This will be useful, since before my eyes there was somehow hysteria among Russians who bought a new iPad and did not see a desktop. It was in Bangkok - the Thais could not explain anything to them. I had to act as a consultant.

How to turn on iPad for the first time after purchase

If you already have a desktop, then your iPad was turned on by store employees. In principle, it’s okay - use it, it’s unlikely that they did anything malicious there (the main thing is to note that the iPad does not have any installed applications other than the standard ones, read more about this in the article: Do not buy an iPad with installed applications). If you still want to have a device with a clean OS with a 100% guarantee, then I recommend reading the instructions for flashing the iPad firmware.

So, if your iPad is just out of the box, then, sadly, you won’t be able to turn it on without a computer and iTunes. Therefore, we install iTunes (instructions for Windows for installing iTunes) and connect the iPad to the PC using the cable included in the kit.

We launch iTunes, we see the choice: set up the iPad as a new device or restore information from backup copy. Setting up the iPad as a new device. After some time, the iPad will finally turn on and you will see the screen operating system. By default, the iPad may not have the most installed a new version OS, so I recommend updating it according to the instructions mentioned above.

If you've just bought your new iPad and you're looking to set it up and make it work as quickly and efficiently as possible. With iCloud, you can do this right on your iPad, without a computer or cable connection. If you prefer the old approach, you can also set up your new iPad using iTunes to Mac computer or Windows PC.

For most people, in most cases, I recommend iCloud, but I'll walk you through both methods, and below is one of them.

How to Set Up Your New iPad

If you turn on your new iPad, you'll be greeted with a lock screen that simply says “iPad.” Well, let's get started.

Note: Both options are checked by default. Take your time, you should look at the selection and click one to test it before the Next button appears, which will activate your iPad. will force you to pay more attention than is often required on the Internet or in applications.

1.Unlock the screen.

2.Choose yours language.The iPad will show you the most common languages ​​in the area you bought it in, but you can tap arrow down to see all options. Click on blue Arrow button, to continue.

3.Choose your country or region Again, the iPad will show you the region where you bought your iPad, but you can click Show more…* in additional options . Click on the blue **Next button, to continue.

4.Choose whether you want to enable or disable services location. The location service works using GPS, cell tower triangulation, and the Wi-Fi router has circuitry to determine the approximate location of your iPad. This feature is used for turn-by-turn navigation (such as Navigon, game registration, social networks (such as Facebook, geo-tagging and utilities such as Find My iPad, etc. If you don't have a specific need to disable it globally, and want to enable the Location Services feature at that point. You can change your settings to either selectively disable or Enable these services later in the Settings app (for example, turn off the Geo-tagging Camera app, but leave TomTom's turn-by-turn navigation). Tap on the blue "Next" button, to continue.

5.Choose yours WiFi network. Even if you're on 3G and LTE Wi-Fi, the iPad will still work because there might be a lot of data to move around in your data cap - no fun. Enter your network password and click on the blue "Next" button, to continue.

6.Wait for a response from Apple to activate your iPad. This may take a few minutes.

7.Choose if you want to set up your iPad, restore from iCloud backup or restore from iTunes backup to PC. Click on blue "Next" button, to continue.

How to Set Up Your New iPad (Clean Install)

To set up your iPad like new (basically how to do a first or clean install on your computer):

1.Choose whether you want to receive your Apple ID or create a free Apple ID If you're not sure what this is and don't know if you have an account, it could be any of the following: iTunes Store account, account Email,Apple developer account, or iMessage accounts.

2.If you've ever used Apple products or services, or just want a new one, you can create an Apple ID.

3.Enter your Apple ID to login. Enter your full email address as your username. Click on the blue Button "Next", to continue. (If you change your mind, you can sign out of iCloud, or you can sign in using another account Later.)

4.In the lower left corner, click on the blue button Agree With conditions services.

5.Confirm your consent by clicking the button Agree.

6.Choose if you want Setting up iCloud If you're not sure, choose to set up iCloud. The basic service is free, and makes your iPad infinitely more convenient to use iCloud.

7.Choose whether you want to use iCloud Backup copying.iCloud stores all your data, stores it securely and, in case of recovery, easily helps you move to a new or additional iOS device later.

8.Select if you want to use the service Find my iPad. This service is also free and incredibly useful for tracking your iPad if you ever lose it or if it gets stolen from you.

9.Select if you want to automatically send the report Diagnostics at Apple. These are anonymous messages and help make Apple is the best products, but if you are afraid, choose Do not send.

10.Wait until iCloud-setup.

11.Start using iPad!

How to restore your new iPad bp backup from iCloud

Keep your battery charged at all times, I always recommend setting up your new iPad with the battery charged as new (see above). If you have an old iPad or other iOS devices, and You quickly need access to your old data, or if you have the idea of ​​starting from scratch again, you have the option of simply restoring your new iPad from a backup of your old device.

1.Select recovery frombackup copy from iCloud.

2.Enter your Apple ID to login. (Enter your full email address as your username.) Click on the blue "Next" button,to continue. (If you change your mind, you can sign out of iCloud or sign in with a different account later.)

3. Confirm – I agree with conditions services by clicking on the blue button Agree in the lower left corner.

4.Confirm your consent by clicking the button Agree.

5.Select your backup. In the list you will see your latest copy Reserve copy , and this is usually the one you want to select. You will also see old backups if available, and if not, backups of other iOS devices in the same iCloud account.

The progress bar will show you approximately how long it will take to download the backup. Once this is done, the iPad will restart. After your iPad restarts, you will be prompted to re-enter all your passwords (as a security measure, iCloud does not restore passwords).

Once this is done, the iPad will begin re-downloading all your apps. If iTunes is available in your country, it will also re-download iTunes music, movies, TV shows and iBooks. After this, it will reboot, but all your settings will remain where you left them, and iTunes will begin to re-download any apps you already had installed when the backup was made. You will need to remain connected via Wi-Fi for any file size larger than 50 MB for re-download.

P.P.S. As always, if you have any questions, please leave a comment in the form below and I will try my best to help you in any way I can.

Articles and Lifehacks

The Apple tablet remains one of the most popular and desired gadgets around the world. Unfortunately, new users often cannot even imagine how to set up ipad. Let's try to understand the initial and key settings, as well as in some functions of our device.

Getting started with iPad: initial setup

Let’s note right away: if we did something wrong at the time of setup, you can always start doing everything again by pressing the “Home” button.
So let's get started. Turn on the tablet by holding down the “Power” button (depending on the model, it may be located on the side or on the top). After the greeting, we scroll across the display from left to right. Select your language, country or region (this is necessary for the correct display of time and date). Now we connect to the Wi-Fi network (if it doesn’t exist, use cellular communication) and go to the “Geolocation” menu, activating the services we need.

Next stage - touch setting ID (if the tablet has a fingerprint scanner) and setting a password to protect data (must consist of 6 characters). The Touch ID function will help you make purchases and unlock your tablet using your fingerprint, but you can’t do it without a password. To reduce the number of password characters, for example, to 4 characters, you need to select the “Options” item.

Now we know how to set up an iPad initially. If we want to transfer information to it from an old Android device, from iTunes or iCloud, now is the time to do it. If you don’t need to restore anything, select “Set up as new.” Next, enter your Apple ID (if it doesn’t exist, create a new one) and proceed to iCloud setup Drive.

Erase data from iPad and set it up as a new device

If we still need the information that we are going to delete, we create a backup copy of it (on a computer or in the cloud). This applies to music, contacts, photos, videos, and so on. To delete data, go to the “Reset” menu through the main tablet settings and select “Erase All Content and Settings”. We confirm our actions and proceed to iPad setup as a new device. Once the welcome screen appears, select “Set Up as New iPad.” We skip the entrance when Apple help ID (“Skip This Step”). We clarify our actions (“Don’t Use”).

After deleting all information, the device will be rolled back to factory settings. Now you can restore all data from the backup.

The iPad will help you avoid many questions at the initial stage and incorrect settings, and will also ensure the stability of the system.


For the first turning on iPad you will need either a Wi-Fi connection or a computer with iTunes. It is still recommended to find the Internet (you can use a SIM card if you have the Cellular version), since you will still need it for creation of Apple ID and settings of other services. Let's look at both options for setting up the tablet. So, in order:

If you have a Wi-Fi connection

  1. Set up like a new iPad.
  2. Restore from iCloud backup.
  3. Restore from iTunes backup.

The last two allow you to easily recover all data from the device if you have a copy of it on your computer. iTunes program or in the iCloud service.

We select “Set up like a new iPad.”

  1. Next step - . To fully configure the tablet and use all its functions, it is recommended not to skip this step. In the same eye below there is detailed description. You can log in with an existing one, create a new one, or skip this step altogether and create it later. Click “Create an Apple ID for free.” All data entered in the future must either be reliable or written down somewhere, otherwise you will not be able to recover your Apple ID if you forget your password.

  • Enter your first and last name.

  • To create an Apple ID, you need an email address, so we are offered a choice - use an existing email or create a free one Mailbox in iCloud. If everything is clear with the first option, then consider the second - click “Get free. e-mail in iCloud" and the "Next" button.

  • Write your login mail client and click the “Create” button.

  • Here we enter the password for your email and Apple ID. (Attention! The password must contain at least eight characters, and have at least one number, one uppercase and one lowercase letter. This is necessary to complicate the procedure for hacking accounts, that is, to protect your data).

  • "Control questions". You need to choose three questions from the proposed ones, then write the answers to them. This is also necessary to protect your Apple ID.

  • Here you can specify a backup e-mail. If you do not want to do this, you can simply click the “Next” button.

  • Updates. You can turn them on and off using the slider.

  • "Terms and Conditions". Click “Accept” in the lower right corner of the screen. That's it, we have created an Apple ID.

  1. iCloud. This service is very convenient to use, so it is recommended to enable it.

  1. The window tells you about the Find My iPad feature. Click “Next”.

  • On some devices, a settings window for iMessage and FaceTime features appears. They allow users of any Apple technology to exchange messages, like in WhatsApp, and make audio and video calls over the Internet. Enable what you need and click “Next”.
  • On mine, the iCloud Drive window opened.

  1. Now, if you have a device iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3 or later, at this point there will be an additional "Touch ID" window. Can be configured now or later via the settings menu.

8.1 If you want to set up now, you will need to place your finger on the Home button as shown in the picture.

8.2 Following the prompts on the screen, upload your fingerprint to the device. After successful manipulations, a window with the inscription “Completed” will appear. Click “Continue”.

  1. The iPad suggests creating a four-digit . If necessary, enter it.

9.1 Touch ID owners will be prompted to use their fingerprint to download apps, music and videos from the store. Can be configured later.

  1. iCloud Keychain. Click “Configure later”. If necessary, this procedure can be carried out through the settings menu.

  1. Settings voice assistant Siri.

  1. Diagnostics. We choose the appropriate option.

13. The iPad “Welcome!” welcome window finally appeared. Click “Get Started” and enjoy the main screen that appears!

If you don't have a Wi-Fi connection

  1. Select “Connect to iTunes” and use the USB cable provided in the kit to connect the device to the computer.

iPad- Internet tablet produced by the company Apple . Apple iPad is a classic example of Internet tablets and is fundamentally different from personal computers

Wi-Fi setup

For Wi-Fi settings on iPad you must be within reach Wi-Fi signal router.

1. Wi-Fi settings are in the menu ( Settings)

2.Select a tab Wi- Fi

3. Wait for iPad to detect available networks, then select a network.

4.Click on your network. If required, enter a password and click on Join. Networks that require a password are indicated by a padlock icon.

5.When iPad is connected to a Wi-Fi network, the Wi-Fi icon in the status bar at the top of the screen displays the signal strength. The more bars, the stronger the signal

6. Excluding a network from the list of previously visited ones so that the iPad does not connect to it automatically . Select " WiFi", then tap the icon next to the network you previously connected to. Then click " Forget this network».

7.Connect to closed network Wi-Fi. To connect to a Wi-Fi network that is not shown in the list of discovered networks, select " WiFi» > « Other", then enter network name. If the network requires a password, click Security, select the type of security the network uses, and enter the password.

8. For some Wi-Fi networks You may be required to enter additional information, such as a client ID or static IP address. Ask your network administrator what settings you need to use.

Checking the Connection

To check the connection, you need to go to your network tab and make sure that your tablet has received the settings.


In a programme Safari On iPad, you can browse the web and quickly jump to your favorite sites. Web pages can be viewed in vertical or horizontal orientation. Rotate your iPad and the webpage will also rotate and automatically adjust its size to fit the screen.

1.Opening web pages.

Tap the address field (in the title bar) to display virtual keyboard, enter the web page address and click Go. If the address field is not visible, tap the status bar at the top of the screen to quickly jump to the address field. As you enter an address, addresses starting with those letters are displayed. These are the addresses of pages for which bookmarks have been created, or pages that have been recently opened. To go to the page, click on the address. Enter the address in full if it is not listed. Delete text in the address field. Tap the address field, then tap the icon

2.Zooming and Scrolling

Zoom in and out. Double-click a column on a web page to expand it. Double-click again to zoom out.

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