Registering in the apple store without a credit card. How to create an apple id without a card

From this manual you will learn, how to register an Apple ID without a bank card, and I will also describe common mistakes when registering...

Please note that the Apple ID registration process is quite simple. The owner of an iOS device needs to fill out several fields and come up with a password that you won’t forget, otherwise you’ll have to later.

Most users are reluctant to enter credit card information when registering. But this step is necessary to make purchases in App Store and iTunes Store. However, there are registration methods where you don’t have to fill out the item with by bank card. But for this you need to use a little trick.

I know two ways registering an Apple ID without a card– this is directly from an iPhone or iPad and via a computer. But I would like to immediately note several main features:

When registering, you must unconditionally indicate your real address. Email. Since a link will come to it for Apple activation ID.

According to the terms of service, users who are 13 years of age or older can register an Apple ID, and certain restrictions apply to those under 18 years of age. Some people ask the question: is registration paid and how much does it cost? So registering an Apple ID is free!

Registering an Apple ID without a card without a computer

And so the first way to register an Apple ID without a credit card from an iPhone or iPad. You can link the card later if you want to buy something in the App Store or increase your space in .
All you need is an iPhone or iPad with an Internet connection, no matter 3G, 4G (LTE) or Wi-Fi.

Step 1. Log in on your device to App Store.

Step 2. Go to the tab "Top Charts", choose any free application and press " Download«

Step 3. A window should appear in which you must select “ Create an Apple ID«

Step 4. Now select your country, in my case it is Russia and click the button Further«

Step 5. Read the “App Store Terms of Use”, if you want, of course, and click “ Further«.

Step 6. Now you must enter your real e-mail, come up with password, as well as answer security questions and press the button Further«

Password requirements:

  • minimum 8 characters
  • there must be CAPITAL and small letters
  • it must contain at least one digit

Step 7. After you have filled out your information and created a password, Apple will ask you to select a payment method, you must select the “ No" and press " Further«.

Step 8. You should receive an email letter with a link to confirm registration.

Registering an Apple ID without a card via computer

The second way to create an Apple ID without a card is through a computer, namely using the iTunes program.

Step 1. Download and install the program iTunes. It is better to download from the official Apple website, since there is always the latest version.

Step 2. After installation, open iTunes and go to the “ Programs", select any free application and press the button " Download«.

Step 3. A window will appear asking you to enter your Apple ID and password, but you select " Create new apple ID«.

Step 4. Read " App Store Terms of Use"If you want, of course, check the box" I have read..." and press " Accept«.

Step 5. Now you must enter your real e-mail, come up with password, as well as answer security questions and press the button Continue«

Step 7. You should receive an email with a link to confirm your registration.


It is worth noting that you can make purchases in the App Store not only with credit cards. In real and online stores they sell special Gift cards iTunes (iTunes Gift Card), with denominations ranging from 500, 1000, 1500 and 3000 rubles. But when purchasing them, you must remember that they must be for Russia; American and European ones will not fit.

As you can see, creating an Apple ID without a credit card is not at all difficult. If you still have any questions or need any additional help, let me know in the comments below!

Creating an Apple ID will be required if you become the proud owner of any Apple gadget. , how it can be useful and how to register it, we will consider in more detail below.

What is an Apple ID and how can it be useful to you?

Apple ID is a single account for all Apple smartphones or tablets. Do not delay in creating your own account, it will significantly expand the scope of your activities in. You will need an account for the following reasons:

  • download paid and free applications;
  • use free communication options such as iMessage;
  • synchronize information with different devices through a single cloud;
  • download audio and video files from the iTunes Store;
  • locate your smartphone if it has been lost.

How to create an Apple ID on iPhone without a credit card

The main difficulty for owners is the following: how to create an Apple ID on iPhone without a credit card. Let's assume that you don't have the necessary plastic, or you want to use the capabilities of your account for the first time without linking a card.

So, the algorithm for registering an Apple ID account without a card:

  1. Open the App Store on your gadget ( iPhone or iPad).
  2. Find the "Free Apps" tab and then look for the "Top Free Apps" section.
  3. Click on one of the free apps and start installing it on your iPhone.
  4. Click on the “Create Apple ID” window that pops up.
  5. Enter the exact data in the “Country” column.
  6. Read the user agreement and only then accept it.
  7. Try to fill out all fields as much as possible.

Email: Please provide your correct email address, which is required to confirm your Apple ID registration.

Password . Create a password. It should be complex and contain numbers and Latin letters. Of course, there should be no repetitions or gaps.

Safety . Don't neglect additional questions to establish safety.

Date of Birth . Set your real age, but keep in mind that users under thirteen years old cannot log in. Device owners under the age of majority will be able to use limited features.

  • after entering your data, click on the “Next” button;
  • after the “Payment method” offer, refuse it;
  • Next, enter your coordinates. They may not be accurate;
  • Click “Next”. Immediately after this, a letter will be sent to your email. Click "Confirm Now" and provide your Apple ID.

How to Create an Apple ID Without Using a Credit Card Using iTunes

  1. Open iTunes and use the Applications tab to go to the App Store.
  2. Select the “Best Free Apps” tab.
  3. Download any free app.
  4. Proceed in the same way as in the above case.

After going through several stages of filling out the information, select the No field in the Payment method section.

Upd: Article updated October 28, 2016. Current screenshots, current tips! :)

I have long wanted to describe this process, of course, it is described in many places, but I want to describe the Apple ID registration process and one very big pitfall that you may encounter. The thing is that Russian people are big fans of freebies, and Apple stores have a lot of paid programs and games. But there are also many free applications there.

But Apple forces you to register and indicate your bank card number so that money is debited from you if necessary. Yes - it’s convenient, but what to do if you don’t have a bank card at all or simply for some of your own (quite justified) reasons you don’t want to indicate it? There is a solution - instructions below.

Registering an Apple ID without a credit card

1. Go to iTunes. Click on the button in the upper left corner (by default, there is Music, but it could be something else).

In the drop-down menu, select Programs.

This will take you to the App Store (Apple's application store).

2. Attention! the most important and responsible step. If we want to register in the future without a card, then we do this. We find any free application. That is, where there is no price under the icon and click on it.

3. Now click on Free App and you will see a login/registration window.

Click on “Create a new Apple ID”.

4. The process has begun! :) click “Continue”.


  • e-mail – your email inbox(this will be your Apple ID in the future),
  • password (not for your e-mail, but come up with a new and difficult one for account)

  • safety – you need to choose 3 question-answer combinations. You need to come up with the answers yourself and remember them. You may need it someday when recovering your password.

When you fill everything out, click the “Continue” button.

6. In the new window in the payment methods you should see the No button. If it is not there, then return to point 1 and do everything again carefully.

You can also choose VISA or MasterCard. Then iTunes will prompt you to enter the card number, expiration date and CVC code to pay for purchases. Payment using mobile phone available exclusively to Beeline subscribers.

Next, please fill in the address information carefully below. Theoretically, you can come up with information - no one forbids you, but in the future, when recovering your password or some controversial issues, you may need it. If you come up with one, write it down somewhere.

If you register a German, American or some Japanese account in iTunes, then it is better to indicate the address here, something wrong, but real. For example, for an American account I simply found the address of a store on Google.

Then you should receive a confirmation by email. By following the link from the letter, we activate our account and can now easily log into iTunes. You see - it is not necessary to indicate the map at all. With this account we can download everything that is free in the App Store, iTunes Store or iBookStore.

Possible problems during registration:

1. I don't have a No button.

If you did everything correctly and especially did not skip point 2 from the instructions, and the button does not appear, check the settings of the country under which you are creating your account. Register either Russian or American accounts - verified. Also important iTunes version. Read on the forums what the currently recommended version is (not to be confused with the latest and most recent). But I tested the most for instructions latest version and everything was OK.

2. My registration letter did not arrive in the mail.

In this case, try registering again for another email with another email service. There have been cases of letters arriving within a few hours. Also check your spam folder – the email may have ended up there by mistake.

3. The password does not work - I can’t find the password...

An example password is Tt123456, which is accepted during registration. Current password requirements:

  • at least one capital letter
  • at least one capital letter
  • numbers
  • there should not be more than 3 repetitions of one character
  • Password length must be at least 8 characters

4. What card is needed to link to Apple ID?

Apple ID is necessary for every person who owns one of the gadgets of the American company Apple. Thanks to Apple ID, the owner of the device can download for free, as well as buy any programs and applications in the company's company store - the App Store. In this store you can buy music and use a large number of practical and entertaining services, even cloud ones. However, today there is one unpleasant nuance that owners of Apple equipment have encountered. This is the inability to use services without being linked to a credit card account. However, activating Apple ID without a credit card is quite simple if you know a little trick.

To get started this process, the user needs a program called iTunes. Without this utility, you will not be able to register without linking your credit card number to your account. So first download Last update programs from the official Internet resource of the company. Next, launch the application, go to the iTunes Store section. It is easy to find, it is located on the side (on the right). Next you need to select the required App Store item.

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. At the bottom right there is an icon depicting the flags of different countries; select the one you need to properly log in to the service. However, it should be remembered that after entering the data, this procedure becomes more complicated, since the system begins to ask you for your mobile phone number, as well as the zip code of the area in which you live.

Registering an Apple ID without a credit card

Next, you need to find in the App Store any utility that the company distributes for free. You can, for example, choose your favorite toy or skype. Click on the button indicating that the application can be obtained without withdrawing money from the account. A window will appear on the monitor screen in which there will be a message asking you to enter accurate data. Here you need to click on “Create an Apple ID”. And the registration process will begin directly. The system will ask if you want to register. Click "ok". Next you need to accept the user agreement.

The next step is to provide your personal information. If you do not have an email, create a mailbox, it is required for registration. A special individual combination of numbers and letters should become your password. The best option is to link it to a name or an important event, but this is only advice, because everyone has their own secrets in creating and remembering passwords. This will be followed by a series of special multiple-choice questions (3 questions), because Apple’s security system really protects its users. Please enter your date of birth.

Apple ID without a credit card: the most important stage

A window will appear on the screen asking you to select a payment method through which you can pay for music, movies, games and other multimedia. Make sure that the “no” button is present in the browser field, because this is what you will need to click. After clicking, a field will pop up with empty lines that you will need to fill in with your data. After the “create” button is clicked, your account will become current. From a new letter in your registered mailbox, follow the link provided. This is the final step.

Apple ID without a credit card: working on errors

Quite often, when registering their ID, people who, as mentioned above, are just starting to use Apple technology, encounter various kinds of problems. Some users cannot enter the correct password, others claim that the iTunes utility does not have a “no” field; during registration, the system prompts you to choose a method that requires linking to a credit card ID. The first problem is easy to solve, you just have to carefully read all the proposed rules for creating a password. And if the “no” option is missing in the iTunes program, it means you started the registration procedure incorrectly, and you need to start all over again.

In order for the “No” option to appear in the system during registration, you need to start registering on the site by downloading any free application. That is, if you register an Apple ID without a credit card directly from a smartphone or other device, then go to the App Store application, select “Top free”, and click download. After this, the login to your account will appear on the monitor. If the window appears, registration will take place successfully.

Apple ID without a credit card: linking the card to Apple ID

But if a person still wants to use Apple ID with a linked bank card, we will suggest a way to create such an account.

For a long time after the appearance of mass high-tech services iTunes on the world horizon, many needed it solely as a source of software for the iPhone or iPad, but today many are ripe for purchasing a quality product, which, accordingly, is paid. Since there are users who once created an ID and did not link a card to it, they ask the same question, how to link a payment card to their ID?

To do this, a person must own one of the cards payment system Master Card or Visa Classic (Maestro and Visa Electronic are not suitable). To receive such a card, you must register a personal account at any banking institution and receive a card with a card account registered to it. Virtual payment card, for example in virtual system Qiwi or Yandex Money are also suitable. For full functionality, similar to transactions with a bank card, you need to link it to your ID.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I'm slowly acquiring gadgets from Apple— I really liked their uncompromising approach to user convenience.

Installed iTunes program exactly like any other application on your computer, and has support for the Russian language. In addition, you can immediately understand what exactly it will allow you to do and what opportunities it will provide:

At one of the steps you will be asked to check the box to accept the agreement for the use of this software. When you first launch it, you will be asked to give Apple access to your media library so that photos of artists and disc covers can be uploaded to it. I don't need it, so I chose the cancel option.

After downloading and installing iTunes on your computer, it makes sense to immediately click on the one located at the top left "Login" button and register in iTunes, i.e. create a new account.

Press the button "Create an Apple ID". We continue and agree to the terms of registration.

To secure your profile, it is better to answer the questions and enter another address mailbox. If one already exists, then it will be sent to it in the future. New Password. Next, enter your date of birth. If you are under 18 years old, I advise you to enter a different date, since many applications are only allowed to be downloaded by adults.

Then click on the “Continue” button, after which you will be prompted to immediately enter your credit card information, with which you can pay for the purchase of applications in the App Store. Is it possible to create an Apple ID without a map?? Of course, you can, but you will have to start registering from the beginning.

To add card details, in the upper left corner of the iTunes window, click on your Apple ID and select “Account”.

In the window that opens, find the item "Payment method" and click a little to the right on the “edit” link.

It's simple: enter the card number, security code and other data. When you register for the first time, one ruble will be withdrawn from your account in order to verify its authenticity.

If you then connect it to a computer Ipad via USB when iTunes is turned off, this will cause it to launch and it will automatically detect the gadget connected to it, and will also display it in the form of a button like this:

On the button on the right there will be an upward-pointing triangle (you might have seen something like this on CD players, where it was used to eject media). I accidentally clicked on it at first, expecting the context menu to appear, but instead the button disappeared and my iPad disconnected from the computer.

I had to close and reopen iTunes to reconnect with my tablet. You need to click a little to the left and then all the diversity of the inner world of your gadget will open to you. On the first tab "Review" a page opens with its name and model, as well as with all other data. Battery charge, capacity, serial number.

You can update it right away software your gadget (check availability and download a new iOS version) or restore its condition to factory settings (the “Restore iPad” button), that is, erase all personal data and bring the device to the condition in which you purchased it (alas, this does not apply to scratches).

It turns out that from here you can control your “apple”, as well as create backups or recover from them. You can even encrypt them for greater reliability if they are stored on an iPhone or iPad data are confidential. By default, iTunes will create an image of your tablet or phone on your computer, but you can also save important data in the cloud, which Apple calls iCloud.

Create backups ( sync iPhone, iPod or iPad with iTunes) is very important, because if you lose data or purchase new version gadget, we can download all the programs again - in this case we won’t have to search and buy everything again.

Moreover, as shown in the screenshot located just below (the second), it will be possible set up automatic synchronization immediately when you connect the device (via USB), and you can also set up wi-fi synchronization between your computer with iTunes and your iPhone.

All this data can be saved not only on a computer, but also in cloud storage, the so-called iCloud.

With its help, you can download some data, for example, saves for games directly to the gadget without connecting to a computer via the Internet.

How to sync iPhone, iPod or iPad with iTunes?

Also at the bottom there is a very convenient and interesting panel, here we can clearly understand what exactly takes up space on internal memory and how many. You can also click the “Synchronize” button.

A what exactly will be synchronized between a computer and an iPhone, iPod or iPad? Well, this is up to you - just go through all the other tabs of the top menu and check the boxes in the right places.

It turns out that here you can download music, video or photos from your computer to your device and back, but not only that. Moreover, there is an opportunity create your own music library(not from tracks purchased from the Apple store, but from our own tracks that live on your computer).

To do this, open the folder with your music in Explorer (or Total Commander), and in iTunes go to the “Music” tab.

After that, select all the necessary tracks in the explorer and drag them to the empty space in the program, as shown in the screenshot.

iTunes will offer to convert some types of music files into a format convenient for this program:

You can edit this music and even listen to it directly in iTunes. Right-click on any music file icon and select “Play” from the context menu. A player will appear on the top panel, where the bitten apple used to be.

If you click on the arrow in this very player, a window will open where you can choose which music will be played for which. If you are not satisfied with these “gray notes” instead of the cover of your favorite band, then you can change it as well as the name.

To do this, right-click on the icon again and select “Details”. A window will open, where you can write the title, album, etc. To change the cover, first copy the image you want, then go to the cover tab and click paste. Beauty.

To transfer this music to your device, click on the device button (Iphone or iPad) in the top right, and in the window that opens, go to the “Music” tab, where you can specify what exactly to copy. Well, to start synchronization, click on the button "Ready", located at the top right of the window.

If everything worked out, then instead of the player a bar will appear showing the music loading.

Great, you have music on your iPhone or iPad. A You don’t want to sync movies via iTunes? The process of uploading video to the gadget is approximately the same as uploading music; in the upper left corner we find a button and select “Movies” there. In the same way as in the case of music, drag the video files into the program and click on the “Finish” button. You can download books in the same way.

iTunes and App Store

Movies, books, music - everything is there. But what else is needed for complete happiness? Of course, access to a store with millions of applications for every taste, which can be obtained both from a gadget and from a computer using iTunes.

Let's press the button "iTunes Store", which is in the upper right corner. A store opens before us where you can purchase movies, music and applications. We already have films with music, so click "App Store".

The large banners at the top are new and popular applications. On the right you can select a category or, going down a little lower, another section. If you want to have a free application, then click "Download" or "Buy" button, in case it is paid. To install it, you will have to enter the password you created earlier when creation of Apple ID.

The downloaded or purchased program will live in your Apple ID account, and you can always install it on your gadget. To do this, connect it to your computer and go to the Applications tab in iTunes. Find there visually or using the search bar the application you just downloaded and click the “Install” button opposite it.

If you need to install any other applications or games from iTunes on your iPhone or iPad, then also click on the “Install” button opposite them. The text will change to “Will be installed.” Next, go down and click on the “Apply” button located there.

The synchronization process will begin, during which your new application will be successfully installed on your gadget.

In general, no one is stopping you from connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi and browsing the App Store directly from your Apple gadget in search of the necessary software or games. However, the variety of options only adds to the convenience.

Improving the usability of iTunes and the App Store

Well, now you can use, at first glance, a very complex and sophisticated program, but in the end, convenient and functional. Perhaps this is all I wanted to tell you about the right hand of the owner of Apple products.

By the way, if you need to download pictures and videos taken on it from your iPhone or iPad to your computer, and you also have an account in Dropbox or Yandex Drive, then it will be enough to install the appropriate mobile app and it will allow you to do this automatically. Read more about that and.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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