Router without Internet access, what to do. IPv4 without Internet access: reasons and how to fix

Perhaps every user has at least once seen the inscription on their monitor screen - unidentified network without access to the Internet, “The network is not recognized. There is no Internet access."

Users of the new Windows versions see this problem a little differently, but the decision remains the same. The appearance of such an error indicates problems with the network connection.

At the same time, if there is no connection for one reason or another, it does not matter at all what device you use - be it desktop computer, laptop or tablet.

This error can occur both when connecting via Wi-Fi and via a router or network cable. In both cases, a yellow exclamation mark will appear next to the Network connection icon located on the information panel.

In the case of network connections, a notification will appear next to the adapter that provides you access that the network is not recognized. Let's look at what this all looks like in reality.

Unidentified network without internet access via cable (Ethernet)

If you encounter this problem when you are connected to the Internet via cable, then there will be an error in the connection status window "Unidentified network. There is no Internet connection". Well, there’s a yellow icon next to the Internet connection icon. And near the adapter "Ethernet" There will also be a message about an unidentified network.

Unidentified network when connected via Wi-Fi

In this case, the error notification will look like this: “There is no Internet connection. Protected." The wireless adapter will be assigned the status of an unidentified network. And next to the “Wi-Fi” icon you will see Exclamation point yellow color.

By going to the Network and Sharing Center shared access", you will be able to see that your connection was made without access to the network.

If you encounter such a problem, the recommendations described below will certainly help you. Let's start with the most simple solutions. The tips below will come in handy in both cases, namely:

  • When connected via Wi-Fi router and, including using a cable.
  • If the connection is made directly to the computer via a network cable provided by the Internet provider.

By the way, it has been noticed that often this error occurs precisely when connecting via a network cable.

Easy solutions to the unidentified network problem in Windows 10

First of all, the easiest solutions deserve attention. It is likely that the tips below will help resolve the problem associated with Internet access, and you will not need to resort to more sophisticated solutions.

Based on the results of the diagnostics, a message about a problem or some other error may be displayed, which will already provide the opportunity to look for a solution to the existing problem.

  • If you have the Internet connected without a router, directly to the device, it makes sense to contact technical support representatives of your Internet provider and describe the problem that has arisen. It is quite possible that problems arose with the provider, and therefore your access to the Internet is limited.

Resetting network settings

Thanks to this method, you can often get rid of various connection problems. In Windows 10, performing a reset is not difficult. In the “Settings” section, in the “Internet and Network” subsection, there is a special item. You just need to select “Reset networks”, and after that – “Reset right now”, and confirm at the end.

There is a chance that by restarting the computer, the Internet will resume working.

It is worth noting that the reset can also be done via the command line, however, if we are talking about Windows 10, the above method is the most optimal.

Check TCP/IP settings

By itself, the unidentified network error indicates that the system was unable to obtain an IP address from the router. The problem is probably in the IP settings for the IPv4 protocol in the connection properties. If certain parameters were specified there, they may have been set incorrectly. You can resort to setting automatic IP acquisition or specifying static settings.

This error may also be caused by malfunctions DHCP server on the router. Therefore, you should reboot the router.

Surely, you noticed that only by disconnecting and turning on the cable again, or reconnecting to Wi-Fi networks, the connection has the “Identification” status for quite a long time. This is just an attempt to obtain the IP address needed to connect.

You should open the “Network and Sharing Center”, and then select “Change adapter settings”.

Then you need to select the properties of the adapter through which you want to connect.

  • If the connection is via Wi-Fi, you need to open the properties of the “Wireless Networks” adapter.
  • If via a network cable, it is better to select “Ethernet”.

Next to the problematic adapter, you will most likely see the phrase “Network not recognized.” Right-click on it and select “Properties”.

It is necessary to select the item “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”, and then click the “properties” button. An additional window will open in which you will be able to set the necessary parameters for the connection:

  • If you have preset certain parameters, you can set “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain an address automatically DNS servers" It is best to remember or save the settings that are probably registered there, since most likely they will need to be registered again. Now you can restart your computer and observe the result.
  • If you initially specified automatic receipt of an address, you can try setting static parameters. However, this is only possible if the connection is made through a router. In order to set static addresses, you need to find out the address of the router, and then register it by changing the last digit. The subnet mask will be registered automatically. And in the line “Main gateway” you need to indicate the address of the router.

If after restarting the computer this does not have an effect, it is better to immediately set the automatic receipt of the address back. Or register the addresses specified initially.

Remove the adapter, update the Ethernet driver and Wi-Fi adapter

And although in reality the culprit of the absence network connection the adapter driver is acting, such a possibility is not excluded. Therefore, you should first remove the adapter itself so that it can be reinstalled in the system.

To do this, in the device manager section, you just need to right-click the adapter, when you try to connect through which an error message appears and select “Delete”. If you have problems with Wi-Fi connection, you need to remove the driver that has “Wi-Fi” in its name.

Then you should restart the computer. The system, in theory, will re-detect and install the adapter driver we removed. You can also try reinstalling the driver that was affected by the problem. You need to download the driver that is suitable for your device model, and then just start the installation process.

If devices connect to the Wi-Fi network, but the Internet does not work, you need to determine the reason. The problem may be in the Internet connection itself, in the router or laptop (or other connected gadget).

First you should check if the Internet is working at all. To do this, the network cable is connected directly to the computer. If the Internet connection does not appear, you should contact your provider. Otherwise, check the settings of the router and devices connected to the wireless network.

To understand that the problem is not in a specific laptop or other connected gadget of the user, you need to connect other devices to the router, such as a phone, tablet, etc. If other devices find Wi-Fi, but after connecting the network without access to the Internet (this is indicated on a laptop), sites do not load, then the problem is incorrect settings router. If the connection is successful on other gadgets and the sites load, then the problem is in the connection of a specific device.

How to solve a problem with a laptop, smartphone, tablet.

If only one device says “Unidentified network, without Internet access,” you need to double-check the wireless connection settings to the network. When setting up the router, the user could accidentally change the connection data. You can check that the settings on your laptop or computer are correct as follows:

1. You need to connect to a Wi-Fi network.

2. Go to the Network and Sharing Center.

3. In the open window, in the panel on the right, click “Change adapter settings.”

4. In the open window, right-click “Wireless Network Connection” and select “Properties”.

5. In a new window, select “Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” from the list and click “Properties”.

6. In a new window, see if the “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS servers automatically” items are selected. If necessary, mark them and click OK.

7. Reboot the OS. After rebooting, the Internet connection should appear. If the network, as before, does not have access to the Internet, the connection may be blocked antivirus programs or Firewalls. Then you should turn them off.

How to solve a problem with a router.

Before setting up your router, you must first return to factory settings. To do this, press the button on the back panel of the router and hold it for 10 seconds. After this you need to go to the admin panel. To do this, enter the following address in any Internet browser: http:// or http:// (TP-link, Dlink). In the window that appears, enter your username and password to log in, usually admin and admin. To fix the router, you will need the WAN tab. Here you set up an Internet connection that connects to the router. SND providers use Dynamic IP, Static IP, L2TP, PPPoE, PPTP connections.

For example, Kyivstar uses Dynamic IP; the corresponding settings are set in the WAN section of this provider. If the provider uses a different connection, for example, Static IP, then the setting with Dynamic IP will not work; the router will not connect to the Internet in this case. To put correct settings, you need to find out exactly what connection technology the provider uses. This information can be checked with the provider itself or viewed on the Internet.

Sometimes providers create a binding to the MAC address, which can also affect the operation of the router. In this case, you need to connect the router via cable to a computer whose MAC address is registered with the provider, find the MAC Clone tab, click Clone MAC Address, and then Save.Update.

There are also situations of the following nature. The user decided to change the Windows 8 OS to the Windows 7 OS. Before the reinstallation, everything worked fine, but then problems began with connecting to the wireless network, the message “Unidentified network” appeared, that is, the Internet stopped working. To solve this problem, you need to go to the Network and Sharing Center, select Manage wireless networks.

Right-click on the network that you cannot connect to and select Properties. In the Security tab, click on the Advanced settings section. In the menu, check the Enable Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) compatibility mode for this network. This update should help resolve the connection issue.

Question from a user

Good afternoon.

Tell me how to fix this error. In the tray next to the clock there is a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark. If you hover over it with the mouse, the message “Unidentified network. Without access to the Internet” appears. Of course, the network does not work, sites do not open.

I tried to set up the network, rebooted the PC, created a new connection, removed and inserted network cords - it did not help.

I talked with the provider, they say that if there is a problem, then it is on the client side...

They offered paid diagnostics and PC setup (I decided to try setting it up myself for now). Help me figure out what could be the matter?


Well, in general, more than one reason can lead to the appearance of such an error, and it is not always possible to quickly and easily determine the essence.

However, in this article I will give the most basic of them. (+ options for solving them), which occur in 98% of cases (as calculated - don’t ask ✌).

Causes and solutions

👉 Reason #1: network failure, error in Windows

In general, periodically due to various network errors and the Windows OS itself (for example, the OS cannot receive an IP, the server does not respond, etc.)- this error can appear with most Internet providers and on any PC.

That's why, the very first and, as a rule, effective method- This reboot computer and Wi-Fi router (if the connection to the network is made through it).

In some cases, after reboots, the error disappears...

👉 Note!

By the way, pay attention to the condition of the wires and connector contacts (are there any kinks, breaks, etc. defects). Many people accidentally break twisted pair cables when, for example, they move furniture.

👉 Reason #2: changing settings with your provider

If you haven’t configured the network on your computer/laptop, haven’t reinstalled Windows, or bought a new one network card, router - and the Internet suddenly disappeared for no reason and this error appeared, the fault could be provider.

Enough typical case: The Internet was configured for the user when connecting, everything works for him and everything is OK. After some time, the provider changes the network settings, and they need to be adjusted on the user’s PC.

The user, sometimes through the fault of the provider (for example, he might not inform, or give little time for setup), and sometimes due to my inattention - I did not change the network access parameters. As a result, we get an error with an unidentified network. ☝

The message is simple: if rebooting the router and PC did not help, call the help desk of your Internet provider and ask if they have any problems with the network at your address, and if they changed any settings the day before...

👉 Reason #3: incorrect settings local network

If everything is fine with the provider’s network, then in this case the fault is often due to incorrect settings in the IPv4 protocol parameters. It is possible that you did not change them yourself - malware could do the work for you (viruses, adware, trojans, etc.).

To check IPv4 settings - first you need to open all network connections, which are on this PC.

This is done like this:

  1. First you need to press the Win + R button combination;
  2. then in the window in the "Open" line enter the command ncpa.cpl;
  3. press Enter (the method is relevant for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10).

As a rule, on modern computers/laptops there are 2 of them: wireless and local network connection (Ethernet). Working connection - color!

Then select the line "IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and go to her properties. In properties in the "General" tab (opens automatically)- check that IP address and DNS server were issued automatically*. Save the settings and restart your computer.


In most cases, you need to set automatic IP and DNS acquisition.

However, it is worth noting that in rare cases (for some providers) it is necessary to set specific values ​​for the IP address and DNS. If you specify the values ​​incorrectly, your network will not work.

These parameters can be found in the contract for providing you with access to the Internet, as well as in help desk your provider.

👉 Reason #4: problem with drivers for the network card

Most often, the driver problem pops up after reinstalling Windows installations, when updating it, when updating the drivers themselves, when installing new equipment (with which drivers for the network card may conflict).

For example, not long ago I dealt with a similar error on Asus laptop after installing Windows 10. When installing the OS, the system itself found and installed “universal” drivers for the network card...

As a result, the card did not work normally, although there were no marks with exclamation marks in 👉.

Unknown device for which there are no drivers // device manager

That's why, I recommend checking and reinstalling the drivers on your network card by downloading them from the official website of your laptop (network card) manufacturer. Moreover, if you found the drivers automatically when installing the Windows OS.

Below are several articles that will help you update your drivers.

Reason #5: TCP/IP problems

Also, the reason for the appearance of errors with an unidentified network often occurs due to internal Internet protocol problems in Windows. In this case, resetting TCP/IP settings helps.

How to reset them:

Reason No. 6: MAC address of the network card, router

Some Internet providers, for the purpose of protection, tie 👉 to the network card that you had at the time of connection (note: each network card has its own, a kind of mini-passport).

A MAC address, by the way, is a combination of numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet.

Of course, if you change the network card (or install a router, etc., etc.) - your MAC address will change and Internet access will be blocked (until you notify your ISP and they whitelist your new MAC address).

👉 By the way, as an option, you can emulate (clone) your old MAC address on a new device!

That's why, if you bought new equipment: first find out the old MAC address on your old adapter, then change and install a new card/router, and then clone the old MAC address in the new device. It takes 5-10 minutes!

How to find out the MAC address:

How to change MAC address

Second way:

  1. Opening 👉 (you can use it in the panel Windows management, if you don’t know how to open it);
  2. then go to the tab "Network adapters" and open the properties of the desired device;
  3. then in the tab "Additionally" looking for a subsection "Network Address" (note: “network address” if you have a Russian version);
  4. Enter the address you need in the value column (no dots, dashes, colons, etc.);
  5. save the settings and restart the PC.

That's all for today. comments are welcome!

Often for many users personal computers You may have a problem with correctly determining the network connection. In this case, the device will notify the owner of any problems that have arisen. There may be 2 notifications: a red cross on the Windows network icon (if there is no link with the device) and an exclamation mark (unknown Windows network without Internet access). This article discusses why problems arise with the second option of alerts and how to resolve them.

Problems on the provider side

If you did not change the system settings or Wi-Fi router, did not replace the motherboard and network card, or reinstalled Windows, it is unlikely that any problems could arise on your side.

It may well be that everything is fine with your computer and router, the network is there and working correctly, but your provider is not currently providing you with the Internet.

Firstly, perhaps you simply did not pay for the service - in this case, the “unidentified network without Internet access” notification also appears. Try contacting technical support provider and ask whether the service has been suspended, and whether scheduled or unscheduled maintenance is currently being carried out.
Perhaps there is a simple way to solve the problem and the operator will tell you about it. Otherwise, he will be able to leave a request to check the integrity of your line.

Obtaining an IP Address

Another reason for the “unidentified network without Internet access” error is conflicts in obtaining an IP address. It is often found in new operating rooms. Windows systems or appears after reconfiguring your home router.

Let's look at the main possible reasons why this could be:

  • The Wi-Fi Router distributes dynamic IP addresses, but a static one is installed on the computer.
  • The router does not have a DHCP server, so it cannot assign a dynamic address to the computer, and this type of receiving is specified in the system.
  • The server or router has security systems and they block your IP as unverified. This is a common occurrence when connecting via Wi-Fi in large companies and offices. In this case, you must contact your system administrator.
  • The IP selected in Windows matches another one already active on the network, or is outside the area supported by the router.

Windows network settings

To resolve network conflicts, you will need to go to Windows settings. To do this, follow the instructions provided:

Depending on the settings of your Wi-Fi router, you will either need to check the boxes next to “Obtain IP automatically” and “Obtain DNS automatically”, or enter the correct static addresses.
The following settings will work for most routers:

  • IP – “192.168.0.*” or “192.168.1.*”, where “*” is any number from 2 to 254.
  • Mask – “”.
  • The default gateway is the address of your Wi-Fi router. It can be found on a label glued to the device body. This is usually "" or "".
  • DNS – you also need to enter your router in this field.
  • Alternative DNS - you can leave it blank or enter the popular DNS server from Google - “”.

After this, return to the local network properties and click on the “Disconnect” button. After that, in the “Adapter Settings”, double-click on the Internet icon to turn it back on. You can also disconnect and connect the patch cord that goes to your computer.

Problems with the DHCP server

If your router distributes addresses automatically via Wi-Fi or a wired connection, there may be some problem with the DCCP server. In this case, resetting and updating the server configuration will help. To do this, open in administrator mode Windows console and enter 2 commands in turn: “ipconfig /release” and “ipconfig /renew”.

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