Zyxel Keenetic Start router - overview of functions, configuration and firmware update. Setting up the Zyxel Keenetic Start router Zyxel keenetic start login

Zyxel brand routers are perhaps one of the most user-friendly. The entire process of setting them up to work on the Internet takes, at most, 10 minutes, regardless of the provider and region. For example, according to Rostelecom parameters, configuration of a Zyxel router of any model can be carried out in automatic mode, where you will only need to occasionally click the “Next” button. But if you need to set the configuration wireless connection, automation will no longer be able to help - it is simply not designed for such actions. There are a number of other nuances that you need to know when working with routers of this brand. We will talk about them in this article.

What do you need to know before setting up?

Like any other brand of modem, the Zixel router under Rostelecom is configured through a special web interface. To access it, you will need a browser. You can use any, from standard Internet Explorer to the more familiar to many Chrome or Opera.

To gain access to the settings area, type the system address of the equipment – ​​ – into the line at the top of the browser window. It will be true for any router model. After entering these numbers, an authentication window will appear on the screen above the browser. The login information is also standard for the entire Zixel line: as a login – admin, as a password – 1234 or also admin.

To set up a configuration that allows your router to communicate with the Internet, you will need a login and password for this service. As a rule, they are specified in the agreement with Rostelecom. Prepare this document in advance and keep it handy until you complete setup. If the characters in the contract are poorly printed and difficult to read, you can check them with the provider by calling technical support by number 8-800-1000-800. But be prepared for the fact that a call on this matter will take about 15 minutes, and the operator will ask you for your passport information to verify the password.

Attention: the expression “check password” means that you will dictate to the company specialist the symbols that you see in the contract, and he will correct you in case of an error. The Rostelecom operator does not have the right to read your entire password to you. If you have lost your Internet login details, a remote specialist will not be able to help you - contact the RTK office with your passport and contract.

Setting up the Zyxel Keenetic Lite 3 router under Rostelecom in automatic mode

The algorithm for quickly setting up Zixel routers is the same for all models. Let's look at it using the example of Zyxel Keenetic Lite 3. Most likely, you will see an offer to use the automatic settings configuration wizard as soon as you enter the web interface. What it looks like is shown in the screenshot below. If such a page does not appear, it means you are in “ System Monitor» Zyxel. Find the globe icon at the bottom of the screen and click on it. In the new window, click the “NetFriend” button (this is the name of the installation wizard), and you will go into automatic mode.

Here you just have to click on the “Quick setup” button. The configurator will offer you several drop-down lists in which you will need to select your city, country and provider name. If you received a router at a Rostelecom office, this company will definitely be listed in the NetFriend database in first place. After each step, click the “Next” button at the bottom of the page.

In the fourth window, the system will ask you to enter your username and password to access the Internet. Retype them from the contract with the provider, strictly observing the case of characters. After you click "Next" the installation wizard will check the connection and positive result will prompt you to update the router firmware. Do this, and setting up the Zyxel Keenetic router for Rostelecom will essentially be completed.

Attention: the firmware update offer will only appear if NetFriend detects more than new version than the one installed on your equipment. If it doesn't appear, it doesn't mean you did something wrong. It’s just that the software on your device is up to date and does not need to be updated.

Next, the installation wizard will prompt you to perform two more steps. The first is the choice of port for the TV set-top box. You can indicate the required connector by clicking on the square under the picture with its number. If you do not have the Interactive TV service from Rostelecom connected, simply proceed to the next step. The second suggestion is to install a Yandex DNS filter. You can completely refuse it; this add-on will not affect the operation of the Internet in any way.

After this you will see a message about the connection being established and specifications connections. The setup is complete, you can close the installation wizard and start surfing websites or chatting on Skype. If you need to configure wireless network, click the “Web Configurator” button at the bottom of the screen and set the necessary parameters. We will describe a detailed algorithm for this process below.

Setting up Zyxel Keenetic Lite manually

The Keenetic Lite model from Zyxel is inexpensive, but very functional. And, most importantly, like all the company’s equipment, it is equipped with a beautifully designed and reasonably systematized configuration utility. Even a novice user will understand how to work with it. Setting up the Zyxel Keenetic Lite router under Rostelecom begins by selecting the “Internet” menu item on the left side of this interface, the “Authorization” sub-item.

In the window that appears, you will need to select the PPPoE access protocol type in the drop-down list and fill in the lines with the user name and password. Retype this information from the contract. Make sure that the checkbox next to the line about automatically obtaining an IP address is checked. Do not touch the remaining fields, just save your changes using the button at the bottom of the page. If everything is done correctly, you will be connected to the network in 30-60 seconds.

If you need to set up a wireless network in addition to the Internet, go to the left menu item “ Wi-Fi network" Select the “Connection” sub-item and enter the name of your wireless network in it. You can come up with it yourself, there are only two restrictions - Latin letters and the number of characters is at least eight. After saving the settings, go to the “Security” subsection. Here you need to set the values ​​of all fields as indicated in the screenshot.

In the line called " Network key» Enter your Wi-Fi password. Invent it yourself too. The standard password is indicated on the router, on a label on the back, but it can be changed at this point in the settings. If you are afraid of getting confused, use the password issued by Rostelecom for the Internet as a key for the wireless network.

Click the button at the bottom right of the Apply window, and you can use the wireless network and a standard wired connection.

Setting up the Zyxel Keenetic Lite 2 router for Rostelecom

The Keenetic Lite 2 model can be used to access the network using Ethernet and ADSL technologies. We will describe the configuration installation algorithm for the second option. By the way, setting up the Zyxel Keenetic Giga router for Rostelecom is done in a similar way.

Having entered the web interface (we talked about how to log in at the beginning of the article), select the “Internet” tab in the left menu. A list will open in front of you, in which you will need to click on the word “Authorization”. Next, in the menu window that appears, click on the box that says PPPoE - this is the type of protocol that Rostelecom uses to connect to the Internet. To create a new configuration, use the “Add Interface” button. In the window that opens, you need to enter the user login and password issued to you by RTK for the global network in the appropriate lines. Take this data from the contract. Check the box to automatically configure IP settings. In the drop-down list called “Authentication Method”, select “Auto”. Other fields, such as service and hub names or Description, do not need to be changed. Save your changes by clicking the “Apply” button at the bottom of the work area of ​​the screen. Internet configuration installation is complete.

Setting up the Zyxel Keenetic Giga 2, Lite II and Lite III routers from Rostelecom for a wireless connection is done the same way. Click on the Wi-Fi network icon in the bottom menu (it looks like a ladder). In the form that appears, you will need to fill out several fields. They are marked in red in the screenshot below.

In the “Network name” line, you can enter any word or combination of letters and numbers. This will be the name of your wireless connection. In order not to confuse your Wi-Fi with your neighbor’s, we recommend using your last name, online nickname or address with apartment number as your name. You should not enter the name “Rostelecom”; there may be several such networks in an apartment building, this will cause confusion.

Next, in the drop-down list with the heading “Network Security”, set the value to WPA2-PSK. In the similar “Channel” list located just below, select “Auto”. All that remains is to fill in the “Network key” line. Here, enter your wireless password. You can use the factory version of the key; it is indicated on the router label. But you can also set your own combination of symbols. After this, all you have to do is click the “Apply” button and start using the new connection.

Setting up a Zyxel Keenetic Start router for Rostelecom

When you enter the configuration interface of the Keenetic Start router, you will see a prompt from the configuration installation wizard. It is standard for all models of this brand. Setting up the Zyxel Keenetic 4g router under Rostelecom with its help will be no different from setting up Keenetic Start and other devices of the family.

By clicking the "Quick Setup" button, you will see a request for the MAC address of the equipment. Rostelecom usually does not register this parameter for its subscribers. If you purchased the router from a company office, you will not be asked for an address during setup. If you purchased the router yourself, you will need to enter the MAC indicated on the label on the back of the device.

By clicking the “Next” button, you will be taken to the IP protocol settings area. Subscribers connected via PPPoE will only need to select the “Automatic” checkbox in the “IP Address Settings” line. The remaining parameters require editing for those who use a static IP from Rostelecom. But in this case, it is better to invite company specialists or at least an experienced system administrator to carry out the settings.

Click “Next” again, and the authorization settings section will open in front of you. Here you need to fill in the fields with your login and password to log in. global network. The data for filling them out is indicated in the contract with the RTK; you just need to carefully retype them and proceed to the final stage.

Important: if in your region Rostelecom uses a dynamic IP address for subscribers rather than the PPPoE protocol, the actions will be different. In the authorization settings, you will need to check the box next to the line “I don’t have a password.” Leave the remaining fields as is, just click the “Next” button.

At this point, the work of setting parameters for the Internet is, in principle, completed. But if you want to configure the Zyxel Keenetic Start router for Rostelecom on wireless transmission data, go to the web configurator. The transition button is located at the bottom of the window. We talked about how to work with this section at the beginning of the article; the algorithm is the same for all models of this brand.

As you can see, the settings for routers from Zyxel are quite simple and do not require special knowledge. You don't even have to check with your provider for the network identifiers that are required to set up a working configuration on devices from other manufacturers. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to choose which router to get from Rostelecom when connecting to the Internet, Zyxel will be the best option.

In order to get to the router’s web interface, you need to open your Internet browser and type, User Name in the address bar admin (Username), Password – 1234 (provided that the router has factory settings and its IP has not changed).

Changing the factory password

For security reasons, it is recommended to change the factory password. Default: Login admin, password 1234. In the router interface you need to go to the “ tab System", Further password. In field "New Password" enter New Password. It must be repeated in the next field. Next, save the settings by pressing the button “ Apply».

Setting up Wi-Fi on the router

Select a section at the bottom of the page WiFi.

  1. In the window that appears, in the field Network name (SSID) enter the name of your network (any)
  2. In field Network protection select WPA2-PSK
  3. In field Network key enter your password to access the network (any)
  4. In field Channel: select Auto
  5. Apply.

Setting up an Internet connection

NAT when automatically obtaining an IP address (DHCP)

Select a section Internet, then item IPoE and click the Add interface button:

  • Use connector- a check mark on the one into which our Internet cable is plugged, in this case the last port
  • Send VLAN ID tags- put a tick there
  • Enable Interface- so put a tick
  • Description- for example internet
  • IP Address and Subnet Mask- leave empty
  • Get an address via DHCP- put a tick
  • This direct connection to the Internet- and here we put a tick

Setting up PPTP (VPN) when automatically obtaining a local IP address

At the top of the page, select the tab Authorization.

  1. In field Type (protocol used) select PPTP
  2. In field Connect via select Broadband connection (ISP)
  3. In field Server address enter Server name or address(check with your provider)
  4. In field Username enter your login from the contract
  5. In field Password enter your password from the agreement
  6. In field Authentication method select Auto
  7. - may not be filled in
  8. After filling in all fields, click the button Apply.

Setting up a PPPoE connection (Rostelecom, Dom.ru)


  1. Type (protocol): PPPoE
  2. Username : Your login according to the contract
  3. Password: Your password according to the agreement
  4. Configuring IP parameters: Automatic
  5. Service Name, Hub Name, Description- may not be filled in
  6. In field Authentication method select Auto
  7. Save the settings with the button "Apply."

Setting up an L2TP connection (Beeline)

In the router interface, you need to select the tab on the left “ Internet", in the list that opens, select " Authorization»

  1. Internet Access Protocol: L2TP
  2. Description: connection name
  3. Server address: server name or address (specified in the contract)
  4. Username : Your login according to the contract
  5. Password: Your password according to the agreement
  6. Authentication method: Auto
  7. Save the settings with the button "Apply."

Introduced at the beginning of 2013, the budget version of the elite family of Zyxel routers Keenetic Start immediately gained popularity in a new way for the brand. price segment market “about 1000 rubles”. For a relatively low price, the manufacturer has provided the same consistently high quality and reliability of the device. The router was designed to function both with a wired connection and to distribute a Wi-Fi network. Thanks to a high-quality antenna, maximum transmission speed of this device over radio communication reached 150 Mbit/s, and setting up the Zyxel Keenetic Start router became even faster and more intuitive.

But, no matter how well-developed the process is, many may still have the question of how to connect the router to the Internet and iptv (dedicated video channel for a TV) on their own. It is this algorithm that this article is devoted to.

In order for the router to work for the first time, you need to take a few simple steps:

  • Connect the device to the network using the power supply and pressing the power button;
  • Connect the router to the external network (provider cable) via the WAN port (highlighted in color on the rear panel);
  • Connect the PC via the included cable (inserted into one of five connectors);
  • Check the correct execution using the indicators on the front panel: the power light, network connection light and the port indicator with the PC cable inserted should be on;

Afterwards we can open the computer, check the network connection (if there is an “Access Restricted” error) and set an important setting:

  • From the tray (the place on the Start panel next to the time and date) open “Network Center...” by right-clicking on the network icon;
  • In the window that opens, find the adapter settings tab and open it;
  • On a working connection, right-click and select properties;
  • In a new window, look for the fourth version of the Internet protocol, using the button under the list, open properties;
  • For both selectors we set automatic retrieval (IP and DNS);

This is where the connection to the Wi-Fi network begins for the Rostelecom provider and any other service provider.

Setting up the router

To get started Zyxel setup Keenetic Start, you need to get to the main interface. And to do this, we need to open the browser and enter the number into the address bar - the standard address of the Kinetic family. Immediately after loading the page, we will see an authorization form, into which we will enter the standard data: login - admin and password - 1234. Behind it, a Setup Wizard, unified for the entire line of routers, awaits us.

To enter the settings, open your browser and enter the address: HTTP://

On the newly opened page we will find only two buttons to choose from: “Quick setup” and going to the “web configurator”. In this case, we are interested in the first option. After clicking on it, we will see three selectors that allow us to specify the relationship of our provider to MAC addresses. Most of the modern service providers do not record address data and for them you should select the first option (selector). But if your company is not Rostelecom, but, say, Dom.ru, you need to look at the contract or call technical support to get your MAC address. Then we indicate the resulting alphanumeric combination in the field next to the “Other” selector and click on the “Next” button.

On the page that opens, set the automatic IP configuration option or indicate your own address, as well as NDS, if the provider gave you this information. Let's move on. We indicate the login and password if they are included in the contract for the supply of Internet services, or check the box for “I don’t have a password...”. It is important not to confuse this data with the key and name for the Wi-Fi network, which are indicated on the bottom of the router. These are completely different data, because... Rostelecom is a service provider, and Zyxel is an equipment provider.

When we go further, we get to the status page, where connection data is indicated and information about whether we were able to connect to the Internet (wired connection only, not Wi-Fi) or not. In most cases, the setup will be successful and you will have access to the network.

Other setup methods

Let's consider a few more special cases for connecting to the networks of individual Russian providers. Let's start with the companies Rostelecom, Dom.ru and TTK. The work algorithm in this case is as follows:

  • Instead of quick setup, we choose to go to the web configurator;
  • Set a new password to log into the web interface;
  • At the bottom we see a menu with icons, open the “Internet” tab;
  • The new page we're on should be the List tab from the top menu;
  • Click on the only name available in the list network interface;
  • Using the “Use connector” checkbox, select the port where the WAN cable (Internet) is inserted;
  • Check the checkboxes below in the enable and use fields to access the Internet;
  • Leave the IP parameters as default: “Without IP address”;
  • We also do not change the MAC address;
  • Apply the changes and go to the “Authorization” tab of the top menu;
  • Add a connection;
  • Let's enable it by checking the corresponding selector;
  • Select the PPoE type, assign an arbitrary (custom) description name;
  • Assign a connection to access the Internet;
  • We enter the authorization data from the service delivery agreement (login/password);
  • We select all or the first two security protocols: pap and chap;
  • We enter the name of the PPoE server as “Internet”.

Apply the changes made. This completes the connection of the wired connection for Rostelecom. WiFi setup and IPTV we will consider further. In the meantime, let’s look at how setting up a router for Beeline differs from the description above:

  • At the first stage (configuring the network interface), you only need to set automatic setup IP addresses. Otherwise, everything is the same as for the Rostelecom router.
  • When adding a connection in the “Authorization” tab, only the protocol type changes (to L2TP), and the link “tp.internet.beeline.ru” is entered in the “Server Address” field;

After setting the necessary parameters, apply the settings and check the connection of the Kinetic Start router to the Internet. If everything functions as it should, we proceed to setting the Wi-Fi transmission parameters.

Wi-Fi setup

To set up WiFi transmission on Zlex Keenetic Start, you need to open the corresponding item in the lower menu. Then, on the web page that opens, set the device’s operating mode to “Access Point”, select a connection to a new radio network, and apply. After that, you need to go to the menu item of the same name at the top (Access Point), where a table for setting up a Wi-Fi network will appear in front of us:

  • Set the desired connection name that users will see when searching for available networks (SSID);
  • We set the protection to the maximum level. The key is the password for connecting to your Wi-Fi;
  • Without touching anything else, click on Apply.

After the router processes the received data, the wireless network light should light up on the indicator panel. Devices that can connect to WiFi channels connections must discover new things available connection. Try logging in using the password you specified earlier and test the connection.

P.S. If several routers/Wi-Fi receivers operate on the same frequency in a room or adjacent area, the signal may be mixed and slow down. To avoid this, you need to change the channel used in the settings above (from Auto to any other unused number). In this case, you need to reboot the device so that it starts broadcasting the Wi-Fi signal at the new frequency.

This completes the setup of your WiFi! Enjoy the Internet!

IP-TV settings

To set up a video stream, called IPTV today, you must first select a port for it: go back to setting up the existing network interface (from the algorithm above) and check the additional box next to the WAN port on a different connector. You will insert a cord from IPTV into it and you will be able to watch TV channels even on a laptop via Wi-Fi (in installed program viewing).

Next, you should check the correctness of the settings in the WAN menu, the field for selecting ports for creating a bridge: the same as above should be specified. Also in the LAN connection settings the corresponding ip must be set: and for the upper and lower fields. The subnet mask should display the value and leave the remaining parameters undefined (default). After saving the changes, we check IPTV and make sure that everything works.

If something goes wrong (the Wi-Fi signal or the Internet is lost altogether), you can reset the settings to factory settings by pressing the Reset button on the rear panel. Holding it in the clamped position costs 10 seconds or more, after which the login data for the router and all parameters will be reset to the original ones.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

The next step is to connect the router ZYXEL Keenetic Start II to a laptop or Personal computer(PC). To do this, you need to connect the cable provided by the provider to the “INTERNET” port of the router (this is the cable that goes to the apartment, house, office, etc. from outside). Connect the cable that came with the router to one end of the router’s “HOME NETWORK” port, and connect the other end to a laptop or PC. And yes, don't forget to connect the power cable.

If you encounter network problems while connecting, go here to resolve the problem:

Authorization of the ZYXEL Keenetic Start II router

So, we connected the router, now you need to use any browser (be it Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.) get into its web interface. To do this, open the browser and enter the router address in the address bar: my.keenetic.net or and press the button " Enter" on keyboard.

Afterwards, the router prompts us to perform a quick setup, select the interface language - “Russian” and click Web Configurator.

After this, the router can display a window for setting a password on the web interface. Here, if you wish, you can set a password or not. If you set a password, write it down somewhere.

Also, ZYXEL routers operate in different modes, so it’s a good idea to check whether the mode is selected. Click on the shortcut in the bottom menu " System" and go to the tab " Mode". If you are setting up the Internet by entering your login and password, leave it in " Internet Center - main mode".

Setting up the ZYXEL Keenetic Start II router

Now you need to configure the router. First of all, let's secure the wireless network by setting a password for wi-fi. Then you will need to find out what type of connection is used to access the Internet, is it PPTP, L2TP or PPPOE. You can find out by calling your provider (this is the organization with which you entered into an agreement to provide Internet services). So, let's start setting up the router.

Setting a password for wi-fi

I offer video instructions for setting a password for wi-fi on a router ZYXEL Keenetic Start II using the example of the ZYXEL Keenetic Start II router.

Let's also take a written and illustrative look at setting up a Wi-Fi password on a router ZYXEL Keenetic Start II in two frequencies.
1. On the Web interface, click on the shortcut " Wi-Fi network"go to network settings" 2.4 GHz access point".
2. Check to see if the checkbox next to " Enable hotspot", then in the field " Network name (SSID)"Create and specify a name for the wireless network, given name In the future it will light up when you connect to the network.
3. "Network protection" - WPA2-PSK.
4. Now you need to set a password for the wireless network. In field " Network key"We come up with and enter a password.
5. "Channel width" - "20 MHz".
6. Click " Apply".

Setting up PPTP

PPTP on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Start II

PPTP on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Start II.
1. Internet".
2. Select the tab " PPPoE/VPN"press" Add connection".

3. Turn on" And "".
4. IN " DescriptionType (protocol)"choose" PPTP", "Connect via"choose" Broadband connection (ISP)".
5. Username"), password (in line " PasswordServer address
6. "Configuring IP settings" - "Automatic".
7. Apply".

Setting up PPTP with a static IP address

PPTP with static IP address on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Start II
1. Click on the shortcut in the bottom menu " Internet".
2. Select the tab " PPPoE/VPN"press" Add connection".

3. In the window that appears, check the checkboxes opposite " Turn on" And " Use to access the Internet".
4. IN " Description"enter any words in Latin letters, for example "Host", " Type (protocol)"choose" PPTP", "Connect via"choose" Broadband connection (ISP)".
5. Below you are asked to indicate your username (in the line " Username"), password (in line " Password"). You will also need to specify the server IP address (in the line " Server address").
6. Manual" against " Configuring IP settings".
7. Specify IP addresses and DNS.
All this data is usually specified in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you cannot find them, you need to call hotline provider and find out how you can get them.
7. After you have entered all the necessary data, press the button " Apply".

L2TP setup

I offer video instructions for setting up the connection type L2TP on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Start II using the example of the ZYXEL Keenetic Omni II router.

Let's also take a written and illustrative look at the connection setup L2TP on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Start II.
1. Click on the shortcut in the bottom menu " Internet".
2. Select the tab " PPPoE/VPN"press" Add connection".

3. In the window that appears, check the checkboxes opposite " Turn on" And " Use to access the Internet".
4. IN " Description"enter any words in Latin letters, for example "Host", " Type (protocol)"choose" L2TP", "Connect via"choose" Broadband connection (ISP)".
5. Below you are asked to indicate your username (in the line " Username"), password (in line " Password"). You will also need to specify the server IP address (in the line " Server address"). All of the above data is provided by the provider (the organization that provided the Internet).
All this data is usually specified in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you couldn’t find them, you need to call the provider’s hotline and find out how you can get them.
6. "Configuring IP settings" - "Automatic".
7. After you have entered all the necessary data, press the button " Apply".

Setting up L2TP with a static IP address

Let's look at the connection setup L2TP with static IP address on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Start II. Typically a static IP address is provided legal entities, or as additional service to the basic tariff for individuals.
1. Click on the shortcut in the bottom menu " Internet".
2. Select the tab " PPPoE/VPN"press" Add connection".

3. In the window that appears, check the checkboxes opposite " Turn on" And " Use to access the Internet".
4. IN " Description"enter any words in Latin letters, for example "Host", " Type (protocol)"choose" L2TP", "Connect via"choose" Broadband connection (ISP)".
5. Below you are asked to indicate your username (in the line " Username"), password (in line " Password"). You will also need to specify the server IP address (in the line " Server address").
6. Since the connection uses a static IP address, select " Manual" against " Configuring IP settings".
7. Specify IP addresses and DNS.
All of the above data is provided by the provider (the organization that provided the Internet).
All this data is usually specified in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you couldn’t find them, you need to call the provider’s hotline and find out how you can get them.
7. After you have entered all the necessary data, press the button " Apply".

Setting up PPPOE

I offer video instructions for setting up the connection type PPPOE on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Start II using the example of the ZYXEL Keenetic Omni II router.

Let's also take a written and illustrative look at the connection setup PPPOE on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Start II.
1. Click on the shortcut in the bottom menu " Internet".
2. Select the tab " PPPoE/VPN"press" Add connection".

3. In the window that appears, check the checkboxes opposite " Turn on" And " Use to access the Internet".
4. IN " Description"enter any words in Latin letters, for example "Host", " Type (protocol)"choose" PPPOE", "Connect via"choose" Broadband connection (ISP)".
5. Below you are asked to indicate your username (in the line " Username"), password (in line " Password"). All of the above data is provided by the provider (the organization that provided the Internet).
All this data is usually specified in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you couldn’t find them, you need to call the provider’s hotline and find out how you can get them.
6. "Configuring IP settings" - "Automatic".
7. After you have entered all the necessary data, press the button " Apply".

Setting up PPPOE with a static IP address

Let's look at the connection setup PPPOE with static IP address on the router ZYXEL Keenetic Start II. Typically, a static IP address is provided to legal entities, or as an additional service to the basic tariff to individuals.
1. Click on the shortcut in the bottom menu " Internet".
2. Select the tab " PPPoE/VPN"press" Add connection".

3. In the window that appears, check the checkboxes opposite " Turn on" And " Use to access the Internet".
4. IN " Description"enter any words in Latin letters, for example "Host", " Type (protocol)"choose" PPPOE", "Connect via"choose" Broadband connection (ISP)".
5. Below you are asked to indicate your username (in the line " Username"), password (in line " Password").
6. Since the connection uses a static IP address, select " Manual" against " Configuring IP settings".
7. Specify IP addresses and DNS.
All of the above data is provided by the provider (the organization that provided the Internet).
All this data is usually specified in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you couldn’t find them, you need to call the provider’s hotline and find out how you can get them.
7. After you have entered all the necessary data, press the button " Apply

Through the web interface, you can select the mode of operation of the router as a receiver (wi-fi adapter). Not all routers have this feature.


When working as wi-fi adapter on native firmware v2.06(ABCM.2)A9, the device was constantly missing packets. Updating to v2.07(ABCM.5)C3 fixed the situation.


It so happened that the store did not have the required wi-fi adapter. Although on the mvideo website it was written that it is in stock (2 sticks out of 5). As it turns out, their database is not updated very often. Of all the things in the store, I was interested in this router. True, its price is slightly higher than that of a regular wi-fi adapter. ___The site http://www.speedtest.net/ru/ showed a reception speed of 14 Mbit/s, and a transmission speed of 25.95 Mbit/s. ___We enter the apartment. On top (above your head) is the router installed by the provider. We walk 5.5 meters forward along the corridor. To the left is a brick wall. Then we turn left into the room, walk another 6 meters (there is another brick wall on the left) and 3 meters to the right. Here, in the corner, is this router (in receiver mode). ___It feels much faster than the previous regular wi-fi adapter (unfortunately, I didn’t measure Internet speed for it). The latter periodically broke the connection, and then stopped turning on altogether... ___Some simple tips for not very knowledgeable people (like me, for example) - when you connect the zyxel router to the main router (which is in receiver mode), the latter does not have to be connected to PC via network cable. - after connecting to the main router, the zyxel router will no longer be accessible via http://my.keenetic.net or In my case, it was assigned a different IP address - some interesting information is here help.keenetic.net.

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