Speedtest Khanty Mansiysk. How to find out the speed of your Internet connection - review of the best services

Currently, free online services are very popular, capable of determining the speed of the Internet connection being used in a few seconds, as well as finding out the IP address of the computer, determining the user’s location, checking the site for viruses, and more. Among the most common programs of this type is Speedtest.

The free service is designed to quickly test the transfer speed and download data to the user’s computer.

The test does not require downloading or installing any additional components.

To start testing, it is provided special button“Forward” (Start checking).

The final result is produced 30 seconds after the program is launched for execution.

Features of Speedtest Net

As a result of using SpeedTest, it becomes possible to determine the incoming and outgoing speed of the Internet connection.

In most cases, the declared value of this characteristic is deliberately overestimated by the supplier and does not correspond to reality. The provider indicates false facts in order to attract the attention of users and increase its popularity.

A complete package of tools with all the features can only be obtained by visiting the website of the official service developer or its partner. This is very important, since currently an incredible amount of obscene resources have been created masquerading as the original.

Global speed test SpeedTest

  • The Speedtest.net service includes only one page – the main page.

He is:

  • ping,
  • the amount of incoming and outgoing speed Internet connections,
  • user location, set by the IP address of the computer from which you entered the site.

Internet speed results among site users

  1. The total number of tests is 6867.
  2. Average download speed is 30.13 Mb/sec.
  3. The average download speed on a PC is 28.31 Mb/sec.
  4. The average ping value is 29 ms.

Particularly demanding users can use the option to determine the geographic location of the server that will perform the scan. For this purpose, a special map is provided, the scale of which can be changed using the slider located on its left side. In other cases, this operation is performed automatically.

The parameter testing is carried out in real time and looks truly impressive. It provides a visual display of everything that is happening - data transfer between the specified server and the user’s computer, taking into account all established indicators.

The data processor window presents a colorful animation of downloading or transferring data from the user’s device to the selected city, a graph and an image of a speedometer with the Speed ​​mark. This approach is designed to brighten up the waiting time for results and save a person from unnecessary negative emotions about this.

The entire process of determining the real speed of an Internet connection through Speedtest is performed with one click of the mouse.

It is very convenient and does not take much time. Even a beginner can cope with such a task.


Ookla is a global leader in broadband Internet speed testing and network diagnostic software.

SpeedTest.net was developed as the most accurate way to determine the fastest ISP and mobile network. Speed ​​tests are aggregated by averaging the test results of each device at a given user location, each day.

This improves data accuracy and reduces bias from retesting or tests that attempt to skew results. There are also many other ways to prevent fraudulent or inaccurate results.

More than 5 million users use the Speedtest app every day, allowing the company to remain a leader in the Internet speed testing industry. This free service available to anyone around the world who is interested in learning the features and characteristics of their Internet connection.

Want to know how fast your Internet connection actually is? Measure your Internet connection speed and see how fast your download, upload, ping and jitter are.

Numbers that don't lie

You pay the provider for an Internet connection, which must meet certain technical parameters within the selected tariff. These include not only download speed, but also transfer speed along with latency or response (ping).

In practice, however, the measured values ​​may differ significantly from those shown on paper. Sometimes long-term, sometimes only for a short period of time due to a technical problem or aggregation - the shared capacity of an Internet connection between multiple users. Speedtest will help identify the differences and show you what your connection is really like. And all this within a few tens of seconds and without complex settings.

How does Internet speed measurement work?

From the user's point of view, everything is simple. Directly in the web browser, click on the measurement button and wait. Before you run speedtest, it is important to turn off all tasks, applications and devices that might be using your Internet connection. This would affect the results and you would not learn anything, or the conclusions would not have the required accuracy.

The technical solutions and background of speedtest themselves are complex, but in a very simplistic way, the test simulates the situation where you are uploading and downloading data. Based on how quickly these transfers occur, measured values ​​are calculated. You can check the speed up to thirty test servers located in various geographical locations. What data will you find out?

Connection speed under magnifying glass

The test results will provide a number of key values ​​by which you can evaluate your connection and immediately choose, for example, a different plan or a different provider. The main values ​​include:


Download will show you the download speed of your device in Mbit/s. The higher the value, the better, because the faster the loading time, the less time you will have to wait until you load a web page, or an attachment for example Email. Internet connections at home are usually asymmetrical. This means that the download speed for the user is faster than the upload speed.


The specified upload speed is another main value that the test results will show. Upload again expresses in Mbps how quickly you can upload Internet data on a given connection. The higher the number, as with download, the better. Fast loading important, for example, for Reserve copy to the cloud or streaming video. The higher the value, the faster you can upload data from the device to the Internet.


The three main parameters end with a response (ping) in milliseconds. On the contrary, the lower, the better. Its importance is especially important for online game players who need a fast response from the server when playing so that there is no delay in the game. Anything below 40 ms can be considered a relatively fast ping, but really good result– this is all in the range of 0-10 ms.


Part of the results is jitter. It expresses the fluctuations in ping value in milliseconds, and therefore the stability of the connection. The result should be as low as possible. The higher the jitter value in the test, the less stable the Internet connection.

Speedtest results will show in detail how many MB of data you can theoretically download and upload in a certain period of time. You will easily find whether the specified data volume and thus the speed is sufficient. It's useful, isn't it? Blog and website owners have the opportunity to embed a connection speed test for free directly on the site via an embed code.

Check your connection regularly

Connecting to the Internet is certainly not the case when what happened yesterday still works today. Don't forget to repeat the speedtest from time to time or use it whenever you suspect problems with your connection speed.

He will respond to you immediately and you have the opportunity to decide what your next steps will be. In any case, there is no point in wasting time with a slow Internet nowadays.

Many modern Internet providers claim that they provide maximum data transfer speeds. How true is this statement? The speed of data transfer is influenced by various factors: day of the week, time, communication channel congestion, condition of communication lines, technical condition of the servers used, even the weather. Clients purchasing a certain package of services want to be sure that for their money they will be provided with Internet at the stated speed. In this article, we will tell you how to find out your connection speed, as well as which services are best to use for this purpose.

How can you check your Internet speed?

To check Internet speed, we will use special services available on the network. This method is the most accurate, accessible and convenient. In this case, speed is measured from the computer to the server on which the service runs. The indicators will differ from each other in all cases.

We will measure the incoming speed, as well as the outgoing speed (the speed at which we transfer information, for example, through a torrent).

These indicators usually differ from each other; the outgoing speed is usually less than the incoming one. The service that shows the highest incoming speed will be considered the best.

Before starting testing, you must complete the following steps:

  • Close all applications except the browser (especially those programs that can download anything).
  • Wait for the downloads to finish or pause them in the browser.
  • Make sure that it is not updated during the check operating system or other applications.
  • To Windows firewall did not affect the results, it is also advisable to disable it.

Services through which you can check your speed

There are several services on the network through which you can check the data transfer speed:, etc. You can test several of them and choose the most suitable one. Below we will look at the most popular of these services.

Internet meter from Yandex

To test the speed of your connection using this online service, you must. Once you do this, you will see a large yellow button “ Change" Here you can see your IP address. For Yandex to start testing, you must click on the button and wait a bit. The duration of testing is determined by the speed itself. If the speed is too slow or there are communication interruptions, the test may freeze or fail.

Yandex, testing speed, downloads and uploads a test file several times, after which it calculates the average value. At the same time, it cuts off strong dips, which ensures the most accurate determination of the connection speed. However, despite this, after repeated checks we received different results, the error of which was 10-20 percent.

In principle, this is normal, since speed is not a constant indicator, it jumps all the time. Yandex claims that this test accurately determines speed, but many factors influence the result.

Service 2ip.ru

quite popular. With its help, you can not only determine the speed of your Internet connection, but also find out the IP address of your computer. This service will provide complete information on your IP address, check any of your files for viruses, and also tell you a lot of interesting information about any site on the Internet (site engine, IP, distance to the site, the presence of viruses on it, its accessibility, etc.). d.).

To check the speed, click on the “Tests” tab on the inscription “Internet connection speed”.

After that, indicate the speed declared by your provider so that the service can compare it with the real speed, then click the big button “ Test" After running several repeated checks, you will have to enter a simple captcha.

This service provided almost 3 times higher outgoing connection speeds and slightly lower incoming speeds. A BB code is proposed to insert a picture containing the test results into the forum. To insert the code on the site, you will need to edit it yourself.

The changes in speed after each retest were insignificant - within ten percent.


This is a very convenient, serious service that allows you to determine the speed of your Internet connection with maximum accuracy. Although this site is located in America, the test uses a server located near the user, so it is suitable this server everyone, regardless of their location.

This “trick” allows you to get the best results, but it also has its negative sides. The user has the opportunity to compare the obtained figures with the data declared by the provider, but the actual Internet speed is lower precisely because the remaining servers are scattered throughout the planet. Therefore, it is advisable to use several services simultaneously to check the speed.

All this works on flash animation, so not everyone can make money. To start testing, you should then press the " Start checking».

After the testing process is completed, the user can see a link to the picture, which he can insert into the website himself, as well as a BB code intended for forums.

As you can see, this test finally showed high incoming speed and normal outgoing speed, however, we were able to achieve similar results only on the fifth attempt, since the results vary significantly. But at similar speeds, close to theoretical ones, this situation is normal.

The service periodically hosts SpeedWave tournaments, during which you can compete with other participants or just find out what speeds generally exist.

After registering on the portal, you will have access to the history of all your checks, thanks to which you can compare various indicators. You will be able to run the test periodically and then check the year's history in a graphical view. This will clearly demonstrate to you whether your provider is developing towards increasing speed or whether it is time to change it.

You can also visit a foreign service that tests not the speed, but the quality of communication. This is also a necessary thing. The service closest to you is selected, after which the level of communication quality from this service to you is tested. We got the following results:

"Grade B" - considered to be good quality communications. Packet Loss (that is, packet loss), if equal to zero, is a very good indicator.


, click the “Run Test” button.

It does not average the obtained values. If you wish, you can insert a picture into a forum or website. Each repeated test showed completely unpredictable results, and the largest number of real indicators were never reached.

Try it, maybe your results will be better, but we won’t use this service anymore.


This server only tests incoming speed. Test high-speed Internet using of this service does not make sense, it can only be useful to people who use not very fast Internet or a modem. There are 5 packages used to run the test.

The results display the average results for different interfaces for comparison, as well as your result for comparison.

Let's sum it up

Not a single service was able to determine the maximum possible indicators characteristic of our Internet connection. Therefore, to test the maximum incoming speed, you can use the program. To do this, find a popular distribution that has 20 or more seeders, download it and watch the speed.

When testing, remember that the reason for the low speed may also be the low performance of your computer.

If your Internet pages take a long time to load or YouTube videos slow down, you should first check the speed of your Internet connection. How to check the Internet speed on Windows 7 or Windows 10 will be discussed below.

Note! Certain processes may affect the accuracy of the results. Before testing, you should turn off video, music, downloading files, etc.

Windows Standard Tools

First of all, you need to know what speed your provider provides to you. To view you can use standard means systems.

Advice! If you have an agreement with a provider nearby, you can check the speed of your Internet connection.

  1. On the toolbar, click the PMC on the Internet connection icon.
  2. Open Network and Internet Settings.
  3. Next, go to the “Network and Sharing Center”.
  4. By clicking on the “Ethernet” icon, see the connection speed.

Internet speed test

Now let's move on to online services that give us the opportunity to see the speed of the Internet connection in a few clicks.

Yandex Internetometer

This is a popular service from Yandex, which is used by most users.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. All actions occur automatically.

This service is popular all over the world, and not just in Russia. It quite accurately determines the maximum download speed limit and indicates the ping.

It is worth noting that the results are quite accurate. No wonder the service has gained popularity all over the world.


Website with a huge amount opportunities. Starting from checking IP and Ports, ending with checking passwords for vulnerabilities. The most functional site from all of RUNet.

Additionally, the site will show your location, browser, IP and provider.

The service is designed for German users, but this does not prevent us from using it.

Once finished, you will be able to view your speed, ping and location.

Speed ​​Test - Check Internet Speed ​​/ Speed ​​TEST

Here you can test the speed of your DSL connection easily, quickly and for free. Click on "Start Test" below. The test usually starts within a few seconds.

DSL Speedtest / Internet Test / Speed ​​TEST

For DSL Speed ​​Test Please note the following: the result is not always accurate, speed test always depends on various factors. Therefore, the measurement should be interpreted as a guide only.

Please leave other Internet applications closed during the measurement, otherwise the speed test result will be inaccurate.

How to measure this?

During Internet speed testing, a test file is downloaded in your browser. After about 10 seconds we check how much data has been downloaded. With reference to the download time of the data, the approximate DSL (internet) speed can be determined. It is important that the server that contains the test file must be fast. We rely on a separate high-performance server, so the result is as accurate as possible.

Internet Speed ​​Test / DSL Speed ​​TEST

Click on “Start Test” in the bottom field to initiate the speed test. Make sure that no other applications will be accessing the Internet during the Internet speed test.

How to start an Internet traffic speed test:

Click on the “Start Test” button in the field above to begin the Internet speed test. The test will then begin and will usually take a few seconds to complete. Once the speed test is completed, you will be given the option to test again on another server that is closer to your current location. What do you need to use the speed test?:

To use the site, all you need is a modern web browser that supports HTML5. Supported Browsers: Chrome 44, Opera 31, Firefox 40, Edge, Safari 8.0, Edge 13, Safari 9.0, Chrome 42, Opera 29, Chrome 40, Opera 26, Chrome 36, Firefox 35, Firefox 37, Chrome 28, Firefox 28, Firefox 18, Safari 7.0, Opera 12.10, Internet Explorer 11, Safari 6.0, Internet Explorer 10, Safari 5.1, Internet Explorer 9, Internet Explorer 8. You do not need to install any software to use the site, and it works entirely in your browser on Windows, Mac OS X, Android and Linux. A slight difference of 10-15% is normal because the speed test may not be accurate (depending on the server load you may get different cgblntcn results). If the difference exceeds 30%, then measure the speed a little later or try checking on another server (link above). Some Internet service providers offer their own speed tests.

We do not take any responsibility for the results of the Internet Speed ​​Test, as the accuracy of the test depends on many factors.

Internet speed test for your website:

Add a speed test to your site.

DSL Speed ​​Test

DSL Speed ​​Test measures the data transmission performance of your own DSL provider. Both upload and download data are checked and compared to other check values ​​from that DSL provider. DSL speed test provides important information about whether the quality of your own supplier matches the DSL contract. It can also provide information about whether your own network is experiencing significant fluctuations.

How does the DSL Speed ​​Test work in detail?

Speed ​​Test is a program available on a web server. When running a speed test using a web browser, the web server first transfers one or more files to the user's browser cache. If multiple files are used, they are designed with different sizes and different compression. When transferring data, perhaps the first measurement of download speed. Subsequently, the data is transmitted back to the web server, so that the effectiveness of the downloaded files can be determined. As a rule, the data transfer speed of uploads is significantly worse than that of downloads.

What limitations should be considered in the measurement results?

However, it should be noted that the results of one measurement are not very significant. In parallel with the current measurement, other processes are running on the network that can affect the speed. Therefore, you should ensure that there are no more data transfers on the network during the test. In particular, only one computer on the network should be active. Only one browser instance should be running and other activities should be avoided at this computer. It is also necessary to ensure that neither the antivirus nor any other program is updated at the time of testing. When all these things are taken into account, it is still necessary to take several measurements at different times in order to discover a universal value for DSL speed test results. If you have taken several measurements, you can easily determine the average of the measurements as the actual transmission speed for your DSL connection.

DSL and Wi-Fi(WLAN)

The speed test has a big swing if you use Wi-Fi for it. Because an indoor WLAN may be affected by various factors in its performance capabilities. Often located in cities, many wireless networks conflict with each other, especially when they must operate on the same frequency. If you want good and meaningful results for your DSL speed test, you should try to connect via a wired network to the Internet. If necessary, you will have success even if you can make sure that your own wireless network has a frequency that is different from all others wireless networks in this district.

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