Managing add-ons in internet explorer 11. Installing Activex in Internet Explorer

Plugins are required to enable the browser to perform advanced functions such as playing videos or running Java applications. But what if for some reason they were disabled and now these functions do not work? In this article we will tell you how to enable the plugin after disabling it.

Enabling plugins in Internet Explorer

To enable the plugin in the IE browser, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner (versions 9-11) or open the “Tools” menu (version 8) and select “Configure add-ons” or simply “Add-ons” from the menu that opens. On the left side of the window that appears, in the “Display” list, select the “All add-ons” option. Then highlight the plugin you're interested in and click the "Enable" button in the lower left corner.

In older versions of Internet Explorer, plugins are enabled a little differently. Open the Tools menu and select Manage Add-ons (version 6) or Manage Add-ons > Turn settings on or off (version 7). In the window that appears, select the plugin, select the “Enable” option at the bottom of the window and click “OK”.

How to enable a plugin in Mozilla Firefox

To enable the plugin in Firefox, click the button in the form of three horizontal bars in the upper right corner of the window or expand the “Tools” menu and select “Add-ons”. In the window that appears, open the “Plugins” section. In older versions of the browser, you just need to click the “Enable” button next to the desired plugin, but in new versions it’s more complicated. For some plugins, you can select “Always Enable” from the drop-down list and leave it at that. For others, only the “Enable on request” option is available. In this case, when you visit a page that uses the plugin you want, the browser will ask you if you want to enable it. In response, click the “Allow” button.

If you want to enable an add-on rather than a plugin, go to the “Extensions” section in the same window and click the “Enable” button next to the desired add-on. After this you will need to restart the browser.

Enabling plugins in Google Chrome

To enable a plugin in Chrome, enter chrome://plugins/ in the address bar and click . In the list that opens, click the “Enable” link next to the name of the required plugin. Extensions are enabled differently: click the button in the form of three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner of the browser, select “Tools > Extensions” from the menu, find the extension you need and check the “Enabled” checkbox next to it.

Enable plugins in Yandex Browser

To enable plugins in Yandex Browser, enter browser://plugins in the address bar and click . Find the plugin you need in the list and click the “Enable” link next to it. To enable add-ons, click the button in the form of three horizontal stripes in the upper left corner, select “Add-ons” and move the slider next to the desired add-on to the “On” position.

Enabling plugins in Opera

To enable plugins in Opera, enter about:plugins in the address bar and click . A list of installed plugins will open. Click the “Enable” button under the one you want. And to enable an extension, click the “Opera” button in the upper left corner of the window, select “Extensions” and click the “Enable” button under the extension you are interested in.

Enabling plugins in Safari

In the Safari browser, plugins are enabled and disabled all at once. To do this, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the window, select “Settings” and open the “Security” tab in the window that appears. On it, check the “Connect plugins” checkbox. Extensions are enabled in the same window on the “Extensions” tab: just select the one you need and check the “Enable” checkbox.

Add-ons in internet explorer provide users with additional features. For example, thanks to them you can install additional tools, download extensions and add-ons. Some add-ons appear along with the system. In addition, they are downloaded from the Internet or are part of an application. As a rule, before installation, the program asks the user for permission to perform this action.

How to enable add-ons

In order to open the add-ons window, first launch the browser. I think you already know where it is in the list of programs. Next, click on the Tools button in the upper corner and select Add-ons. By default, only those add-ons that have just been downloaded are displayed. You can change this by clicking on the button on the left side of the All add-ons screen. After this, the user will see complete information about the installed software.

Each of the add-ons has certain characteristics. The user can view information about the developer, status, installation time, etc. If we talk about how to enable or disable internet explorer add-ons, you can do the actions from the context menu, which drops out after right-clicking on the name.

By clicking on the Learn More link, the user can obtain complete information about the software. Here you can change settings to ensure that the add-in works on all websites or on specific ones. To do this, the resource address should be placed in a special field. If the add-in is always required, click the Allow button on all nodes.

In this section you can enable, disable and remove add-ons. To do this, select the desired element and click on it with the mouse. In the context menu that appears, select Enable or Disable, respectively. Some add-ons can be updated. Sometimes using an outdated version can cause problems.

How to remove add-ons

If the add-on is not used, it can be removed. For ActiveX type elements, this procedure can be done directly in the Details window. There is a special button for this. Other types of add-ons can be removed using additional utilities. So, ToolBarCop is effective in such a situation. This program is convenient because the deleted item will be located in a special application folder. In other words, if necessary, you can always return it.

Another way to remove an add-on is to remove the program with which it was installed. To do this, in the Details window, look at the name of the utility. It will be written in the Publisher column. After that, go to Start, enter the program in the search and delete it. You can find out a more detailed description of this manipulation.

Users may encounter a situation where the browser offers to disable some components in order to load the page faster. In this case, you can ignore the message and click Do not disable in the list that opens. To still deactivate components, click on Select add-ons. Here, next to the component name, there is a Disable button.

As you have seen, internet explorer has a fairly wide range of options for managing add-ons. Thanks to the tools, the user is able to independently control the operation of the add-ons. This is very convenient, as you can optimize the browser, which will make browsing the web more comfortable. In addition, you can always download additional add-ons designed for a particular purpose. For example, elements of the InPrivate type are designed to manage lists of blocked sites.

If your browser is slow, it's not necessarily due to a poor internet connection. Third-party toolbars, some add-ons, cookies, or less-than-ideal settings may also hinder your browser's performance.

Here are some simple things you can do to optimize your Internet Explorer browser experience:

More ideas that may be useful:

Removing toolbars

Many toolbars that are downloaded and embedded in the browser affect not only its appearance, but also slow down Internet traffic.

A browser toolbar is an add-on (extension) added to its interface. While some browser add-ons can enhance your online experience and can be very useful, others have negative consequences. They can easily set themselves as default when bundled with widely available free applications, and they sometimes interfere with or conflict with other software on the computer.

Each toolbar has its own specialized functions, such as search, emoji, music player, etc., so they will require additional resources to function.

In order to remove some of the toolbars, you will need to open the list of installed programs (in Windows 7, click Start(Start) > Control Panel(Control Panel) and in the section Programs(Programs) click Uninstalling a program(“Uninstall a program”) - remove programs that you never use).

Right-click each toolbar in the list that you would like to remove and select Delete(Uninstall). Once you complete this process, the toolbars will be completely removed.

Disable toolbars and add-ons directly in the browser

2. Click the button Service(shaped like a gear) in the upper right part of the window, then select Configure add-ons(Manage add-ons).

3. Under the inscription Display(Show) select All add-ons(“All add-ons”).

4. Select each add-on you want to disable and click Disable(Disable).

5. When you're done, close the window and restart your browser.

Delete cookies and clear browser cache

Few people remember to do this, and eventually the hard drive becomes full of large amounts of data stored by the browser for years.

To clear your browser cache:

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Click the button Service(Tools) , hover your mouse over the item Safety(Safety) and select Delete browsing history(Delete browsing history). If you do not want to delete cookies and files from websites in your favorites list, select the checkbox Save data from your favorite websites(Preserve Favorites website data).

3. Check the boxes next to the types of data that you want to delete.

4. Click Delete(Delete).

Resetting your browser settings

Sometimes when you install a program, it may change your browser settings without your knowledge. You may notice that your browser is behaving in some unusual way.

If Internet Explorer stops responding to commands or working in general, if you encounter error messages indicating that Internet Explorer will close, or if you experience slow performance, you may want to reset Internet Explorer settings. To do this, follow the steps below.

1. Launch Internet Explorer.

2. Click the button Service(Tools) then select Browser properties(Internet Options).

3. In the window Browser properties(Internet Options) click the tab Additionally(Advanced).

4. Click Reset(Reset).

5. In dialogue ResetparameterssettingsInternet Explorer click Reset
Check the box Remove personal settings(Delete personal settings) only if you want to simultaneously delete your browsing history, search service settings, Accelerators, home pages, Tracking Protection and ActiveX Filtering data. By checking this box, you are essentially launching a fresh version of Internet Explorer.

6. When Internet Explorer has finished reverting to its default settings, click Close(Close), and then OK.

7. Close Internet Explorer and restart it.

Installing a new version of Internet Explorer

Upgrading to the latest version of Internet Explorer will make your Internet access faster. In addition, your computer will be more secure, and it is very likely that the problems you were experiencing with your old browser will disappear.

Using the table below you can find out which latest version of Internet Explorer you can use due to the operating system you are using:

To get the latest version of Internet Explorer, follow this link.

Switch to another browser

There are many internet browsers, each slightly different from the others. Some browsers have a lot of features, others are quite simple in this sense. Some work a little better than others. But all Internet browsers basically perform the same function: allow us to browse websites.

The most popular browsers are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera. There are also other, less popular browsers such as RockMelt, Avant Browser, Maxthon, Deepnet Explorer, Flock, SeaMonkey, AOL Explorer, etc.

Switching from one browser to another is in most cases the fastest and easiest way to fix many of the problems we encounter. If the browser is cluttered with toolbars and plugins, if it won't open some websites, or if it takes too long to load content, you can try installing a different one and see if it works better.

To install a new internet browser, you will need to use the one you already have to find and download another one. Simply use a search engine such as Google or Bing to find the browser you want to install and click the download link.

Here are the pages on our website for the most popular browsers that can be used instead of Internet Explorer:

You might also find this guide on how to optimize your browsing speed and performance when using Chrome and Firefox helpful.

Based on materials from the Internet portal. Translation into Russian: Alexander Ryabov

Hi all! Oh, this happened to me, well, that is, not to me, but in my Windows 10. In general, I don’t know how, but somehow it happened by chance that I noticed something and immediately said to myself: so, about this I have to write! But unfortunately, I don’t know whether you will have what I’m going to tell you now...

In general, I configured something in the Internet Explorer browser, I don’t remember what I configured there, but it was all in the Browser Properties window (the icon is in the control panel). Well, there I went to add-ons to check if all add-ons were disabled, because I had disabled them earlier. But in short guys, I accidentally saw something there that I didn’t expect: there are a bunch of add-ons that were NOT SHOWN by default, I was shocked by their number! After all, I usually had about six, well eight of them, that’s the maximum, but here it’s much more!

So, I’ll show you how to do it all, but I’ll show you the entire process so that absolutely everyone can understand it! Here we go? So guys, first you need to open Control Panel. I’ll say right away that I have Windows 10, but I’ll try to show everything so that it works on other Windows. So, open the Control Panel, to do this, press Win + R and then write the following command:

Then a window will open with a bunch of tabs, well, this window is the settings of the Internet Explorer browser, although there are some Windows settings. This doesn’t matter, you need to go to the Programs tab and click the Configure add-ons button there:

Well, now you will see this window:

As you can see, I have all sorts of add-ons here, but they are all disabled. I disabled them, I don’t need them, I think it’s better to disable them than to delete them. Well, that’s what I think, but you can delete them, you probably don’t need them anyway, but I need some, for example DebugBar add-ons. But you know what’s funny here? Look carefully at this menu, I opened it, and look what’s there:

In this menu, by default, like me, you will probably have the All add-ons item selected, and it seems like this is what we need, right? Well, it seems like everything is set correctly so that we can see all the add-ons. But the damn funny thing is that in fact, if you select the second item, that is, Launch without obtaining permission, then you will see MUCH MORE ADD-ONS, see for yourself:

And I don't know why I didn't notice this menu before! Maybe I'm not paying attention? Unfortunately, this can happen... Or maybe there wasn’t such a menu before? And this can also happen, so it is possible that you will not have such a menu...!

And the add-ons there seemed different, so I’ve never seen the Google Update Plugin add-on.. Oh, it turns out there is.. Well, in general, there are a lot of them, and when I disabled them, I thought, after all these disconnects, the Internet Explorer browser in general will work? Well, I turned it off anyway, then I checked the browser, but it worked the same as before, as usual. No, I certainly don’t use it as my main one, but I still wouldn’t want it to break.

Disabling add-ons is very simple, you just click on each one, then at the bottom of the window there will be a Disable button, here it is:

By the way, you can find out additional information for each add-on. Look, I selected Google Update Plugin, there at the bottom of the window, on the left, there will be a More details button, here it is.

The new Optimized Battery Charging feature in iOS 13 takes your daily charging habits into account, using on-device machine learning to help extend battery life.

Your iPhone's lithium-ion battery life tends to increase when it's not fully charged. The new optimized battery charging feature in iOS 13 learns from your daily charging habits. It uses on-device machine learning to improve battery life.

With Optimized Battery Charging turned on, your iPhone's battery level remains below 80% until it needs a full charge. This helps reduce unnecessary battery aging and may also improve performance.

By default, iOS 13 includes an optimized battery charging feature. If you know your phone needs to be fully charged, you can turn off the battery charging optimization feature. Read on to find out how.

Optimized battery charging in iOS 13

To disable (or enable) the optimized battery charging feature, tap Settings on the main screen.

Then click on Battery health under battery chapter.

Now tap Optimized battery charging button to disable or enable the feature. The toggle button is green when the function is on and gray when the function is off.

In the dialog box that appears, select whether you want Turn off until tomorrow or Disable and keep him away.

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