Installing the driver from the INF file. Fixing the error: incorrect service installation section in this MPT inf file What is needed to install the driver

Hello dear reader of my blog! Stable operation of the Windows operating system depends on how correctly the driver for the device is installed.

In this article, I will tell you how to install a device driver in the Windows operating system in several ways.

A driver is a program with which the Windows operating system gains access to a specific computer device (video card, network card, printer, etc.).

Choosing the model of my motherboard

I select the folder where to save the driver and click “Save”

Next, the downloaded driver must be installed. The driver can be supplied either as an executable file (for example: setup.exe) or as a folder with driver files without an installation file. If the downloaded drivers have an installation file, there will be no problem installing it. Simply run the executable file and follow the on-screen instructions. If you have a driver in the form of a folder with files without an installation file, then read the following installation method.

3. Installing the driver through the device manager

If you have drivers for a specific device (on your hard drive or flash drive), but there is no installation file and this driver is not installed on your system, do the following:

Open the “Start” menu, find the “computer” icon, right-click on it (hereinafter: RMB) and select properties...

A system window will open, click on “Device Manager”

The device manager will open, in which we see all the devices installed on our system. If there is a yellow exclamation mark next to a device, it means that drivers are not installed for this device or the driver is installed incorrectly. Right-click on the problematic device and select “Properties”

We see in the properties of this device that no drivers are installed for it. Click "Update driver..."

Now we have a choice, either the Windows system automatically searches for drivers or installs the driver manually. Select “Search and install drivers manually”

We tell the system where to look for drivers. To do this, click “Browse”

and select our drivers folder. Click "OK"

We see that the driver for the device is being installed

If the installation is successful, a window will appear indicating that the installation of drivers for this device is complete.

Click “Close” and we see that the yellow exclamation mark has disappeared from our device (TV tuner). The driver is installed!

If you do not have a driver for this device, you can select “Automatic search for drivers.” In this case, Windows will try to find a driver for the device on this computer and on the Internet

But this method does not always work, so it is better not to rely on it.

Note: This method is described for the operating systemWindows 7. If you have installedWindowsXP orWindows 8, the steps will be similar.

4. Driver update programDriverPack Solution

DriverPackSolution is a program for automatically installing, searching and updating drivers.

My favorite and most universal way to install drivers. Having previously downloaded the “Full” version to a disk or flash drive, you can install drivers on a computer that does not even have access to the Internet.

Let's go to the site: Click “download”.

Select the “Full” or “Vip” version. The “Full” version can be downloaded for free, without registration via torrent. I will tell you what a torrent is in the following articles, so here’s the blog. After clicking the “download” button, download the torrent file of the “Full” version to your computer.

Using a torrent client, download the driver assembly to your computer

The downloaded ISO file (disc image) can be uploaded to a 9GB DVD and used. Below I will tell you how to do this.

If we decide to choose “VIP status”, click “Registration”

After this, a page with a login and password will appear, where you can register or log in using the previously created credentials

After registration, you will be sent an email where you will need to confirm your address by clicking on the link...

After confirming your account, you can click on “Download DriverPackSolution configurator”

By the way! The blog has a Telegram channel. Subscribe to the channel to be the first to know about the release of new articles on the blog + various IT news.

“VIP” status can be obtained by taking certain actions to promote the website. This includes completing various quests, joining a group in contact, exchanging links, inviting friends, etc. If you are ready to promote their project for the sake of VIP status, then please

You can also download drivers for laptops on the site by clicking on the “For laptops” section and selecting your laptop model from the list

Now I will show you how to use the DriverPackSolution automatic driver installation and update program by downloading the “Full” version and burning this image to a 9GB DVD.

Run the installation file from the disk. Typically this is DriverPackSolution.exe. The program shell will open and begin collecting information about devices and installed drivers on your computer or laptop.

After collecting information about devices, the program will show drivers that are not installed on the system or that can be updated with new versions.

The numbers in the figure indicate explanations:

  1. If you check the “Expert Mode” box, the program will show a detailed list of drivers to install. I recommend checking the box;
  1. Block for selecting a specific driver with a tick. Here you can select specific drivers and click the “Install all” or “Update all” button;
  1. Buttons for automatic intelligent driver installation. These buttons are used if you decide to install drivers for the device one at a time;
  1. “Install all” or “Update all” button (depending on the situation, the button may change its name)

If you clicked the " Install and update everything", a window appears with a selection of the necessary drivers and programs to install. Click “Start installation”

After the drivers are installed, be sure to restart the computer.

All drivers for our devices are installed and updated!

5. Installing the driver usingMaconfig. com/ ru

The website is designed to determine the configuration of your PC and find the necessary drivers for your system.

We go to the site and press "My drivers"

After the file is saved, it will automatically launch and download the rest of the program elements

The driver updater will then begin to install. Select the language and click “Okay”

After installing the program, go to their website again and click “Refresh Page”

Then click “Start Analysis” again and see on the right how the process of analyzing our equipment is progressing

Then a new page will open, go to the very bottom of the page and click “Find drivers”

After this, a new page will open with a list of drivers that need to be installed or updated. In my case, only the driver update for my video card came out. Click “download”

A new page will open with a description of the driver and a download button. Click on it

A new page will open showing information about the file being downloaded, its size and where you will download it from. Click on the link to download the driver to your computer

6. Search for driver byIDdevices

It happens that not one of the methods is suitable for us or is impossible due to certain circumstances. Then you can try to install the device driver using the hardware identification number (hardware ID).

To do this, go to the “Start” menu - right-click on the “Computer” icon - “Properties”

We find the device for which the driver is not installed (it is highlighted with a yellow question mark), right-click on it, select “Properties”

Now let's go to the site and paste our equipment ID from the buffer into the field "Enter driver code"(press the keys “Ctrl” + “V”). Click the “Search” button. If the search is successful, information about the found driver will be shown at the bottom of the page. Click the icon with a picture of a floppy disk to save the driver to your computer


Well, now you know how to install a device driver in several ways, including a driver update program. The stable operation of your operating system and your overall mood depend on the correct installation of the driver. You can ask all questions about how to install the driver below in the comments.

Finally, you can watch a video on how to install drivers using DriverPack Solution

Well, in the next article I will tell you how to burn a DVD disc

Installation, configuration and restoration of Windows 7 100% Vatamanyuk Alexander Ivanovich

Installing a driver from an INF file

Let's consider a situation where a set of INF files is used to install equipment.

Open Control Panel and start the mechanism device Manager. As a result, a window will open in which you can see a list of all devices detected by the operating system on the computer (Fig. 16.1).

Most of it consists of devices located on the motherboard, and only a few entries indicate devices that are installed in the form of an expansion card or connected using external ports.

Our task is to install a driver for a device that is not detected by the operating system. If your device is not yet connected to your computer, now is the time to do so.

If the device is already connected to the computer, then right-click on the computer name at the very top of the list and in the menu that appears, select Install old device (Fig. 16.2). This will launch the Hardware Installation Wizard, which will help you and guide your actions when installing equipment (Fig. 16.3).

Rice. 16.1. Launch the Device Manager mechanism

Rice. 16.2. Select Install old device

After reading the introductory speech and preparing the driver disk, if needed, click the button Further, to begin the device installation process.

Rice. 16.3. Hardware Installation Wizard

The installation wizard offers a choice of two options for further actions: automatic and manual installation of equipment (Fig. 16.4). Automatic installation will not do anything, since the operating system has already tried to do this during the installation process. For this reason, it is necessary to immediately move on to the second option. Set the switch to position Installing equipment manually selected from the list and press the button Further.

Rice. 16.4. Selecting an action option

In the next window you will see a list of devices of different types, drivers for which are available in the operating system (Fig. 16.5).

Rice. 16.5. Specify the type of device that needs to be installed

Let's first consider the option when you find the driver you need in the list of manufacturers and drivers. Having marked it, press the button Further, to proceed to install it.

In the next window, the Hardware Installation Wizard will show a list of all drivers available in the system for the selected device type, sorted by hardware manufacturer. If you are sure that one of the proposed drivers is suitable for your equipment, then select the desired manufacturer on the left side of the window, and the required driver on the right. After that, you can try to install it by clicking the button Further(Fig. 16.6). This will bring up a confirmation window in which you need to click the button again Further(Fig. 16.7).

After driver installation is confirmed, the Add Hardware Wizard copies the necessary drivers to the system and attempts to initialize the device. If the device initialization was successful, you will see a message window indicating that the driver for the device was installed correctly and the device is ready to use. Otherwise, the wizard will report that the installation failed and the device cannot be started, or that there are some difficulties (Fig. 16.8).

Rice. 16.6. Specify the driver for the device

Rice. 16.7. Confirm driver installation

In this situation, the only way out is to try installing another driver, for example, one that came with the device or one downloaded from the manufacturer’s website on the Internet.

Rice. 16.8. Driver installation failed

To install a different driver, click the button Install from disk(see Fig. 16.6). As a result, a window will appear in which you need to click the button Review(Fig. 16.9) and in the file selection window that opens, specify the location of the file with the driver.

Rice. 16.9. Installing a driver from another source

After pressing the button OK the wizard will try to install the driver. If this driver can work in Windows 7, it will be installed and the device will be able to function.

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Installing the driver and configuring data sources The driver distribution consists of one executable file named ibgem_21_desk.exe (for the desktop edition of the driver version 2.1). To install the driver, you need to run this file. There are two ways to create

From the author's book

Installing a driver using a setup program Often, you use a setup program to install older hardware, and the standard driver installation approach described above is not suitable for this. However, when I run the installer it refuses

From the author's book

16.3. Driver rollback Sometimes you have to not only install drivers from scratch, but also update old drivers. The need to install a new driver is explained quite simply: a new driver is almost always a corrected version of the old driver

From the author's book

2.2 Compiling and installing the driver. The project generated by DriverWizard is located in the XDSP directory. This directory contains the VC++ Workspace files: XDSP.dsw, XDSP.ncd and XDSP.opt and two directories - sys and exe. The XDSPioctl.h file is also located here. It describes the control codes

This publication is intended for users who are already somewhat familiar with computers and want to learn how to independently install and configure the operating system. The accessible language of the material and a large number of visual illustrations will help you correctly install Windows 7 and configure your computer to achieve optimal performance. In addition, the book describes in detail the basic principles of operating system recovery.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

The information contained in this book has been obtained from sources considered reliable by the publisher. However, taking into account possible human or technical errors, the publisher cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy and completeness of the information provided and is not responsible for possible errors associated with the use of the book.


Let's consider a situation where a set of INF files is used to install equipment.

Open Control Panel and start the mechanism device Manager. As a result, a window will open in which you can see a list of all devices detected by the operating system on the computer (Fig. 16.1).

Most of it consists of devices located on the motherboard, and only a few entries indicate devices that are installed in the form of an expansion card or connected using external ports.

Our task is to install a driver for a device that is not detected by the operating system. If your device is not yet connected to your computer, now is the time to do so.

If the device is already connected to the computer, then right-click on the computer name at the very top of the list and in the menu that appears, select Install old device (Fig. 16.2). This will launch the Hardware Installation Wizard, which will help you and guide your actions when installing equipment (Fig. 16.3).

Rice. 16.1. Launch the Device Manager mechanism

Rice. 16.2. Select Install old device

After reading the introductory speech and preparing the driver disk, if needed, click the button Further, to begin the device installation process.

Rice. 16.3. Hardware Installation Wizard

The installation wizard offers a choice of two options for further actions: automatic and manual installation of equipment (Fig. 16.4). Automatic installation will not do anything, since the operating system has already tried to do this during the installation process. For this reason, it is necessary to immediately move on to the second option. Set the switch to position Installing equipment manually selected from the list and press the button Further.

Rice. 16.4. Selecting an action option

In the next window you will see a list of devices of different types, drivers for which are available in the operating system (Fig. 16.5).

Rice. 16.5. Specify the type of device that needs to be installed

Let's first consider the option when you find the driver you need in the list of manufacturers and drivers. Having marked it, press the button Further, to proceed to install it.

In the next window, the Hardware Installation Wizard will show a list of all drivers available in the system for the selected device type, sorted by hardware manufacturer. If you are sure that one of the proposed drivers is suitable for your equipment, then select the desired manufacturer on the left side of the window, and the required driver on the right. After that, you can try to install it by clicking the button Further(Fig. 16.6). This will bring up a confirmation window in which you need to click the button again Further(Fig. 16.7).

After driver installation is confirmed, the Add Hardware Wizard copies the necessary drivers to the system and attempts to initialize the device. If the device initialization was successful, you will see a message window indicating that the driver for the device was installed correctly and the device is ready to use. Otherwise, the wizard will report that the installation failed and the device cannot be started, or that there are some difficulties (Fig. 16.8).

Rice. 16.6. Specify the driver for the device

Rice. 16.7. Confirm driver installation

This type of driver installation almost always helps in the case when the driver for the device is not installed by simply running the setup file, with the extensions *.exe or *.msi.

Open Device Manager (Start -> Control Panel -> Device Manager)

Click the Browse button...

and, of course, the OK button

The driver installation will begin.

Forced installation of drivers on Windows 7

This type of driver installation almost always helps in the case when the driver for the device is not installed by simply running the setup file, with the extensions *.exe or *.msi.

But the main condition for successful driver installation in this case is that the driver must be completely unpacked and the file with the *.inf extension must be accessible. Often, hardware manufacturers package their drivers not only with standard ZIP archivers, but also using intricate programs of their own making. Here, for unpacking, the Universal Extractor program can be very useful, which can be used to unpack almost any driver installer.

It is also advisable to disable User Account Control before installing the driver.

Let's look at how to force install a driver in Windows 7 using the Defender AV-W2035 webcam as an example. There is a driver downloaded from the Internet, which we successfully unpacked into the folder C:/AW-0350-MIC-VISTA. First, we need to look at where our file with the *.inf extension is located. To do this, in Windows folder properties you need to enable the display of file extensions so that file names are written with their extensions. Or use the very useful Total Commander program or a similar file manager. After looking through the folders (you can use the file search), we found the file snpstd2.inf

You should remember the entire path to this file so that later it will be easier to find it in Explorer. We connect the camera to the computer and wait for Windows to complete all its operations to detect new equipment.

Open Device Manager (Start -> Control Panel -> Device Manager)

The USB camera device without installed drivers is immediately visible. Right-click on the camera and select Update drivers... from the context menu.

In the window that opens, click Search for driver on this computer

A window will open with a list of equipment categories.

In order not to waste time or rack your brains, just point to the first line Show all devices and click Next

In the next window we will see a list of available drivers in the system (if any). But since we know that we have a folder with the driver, without selecting anything from the list, we click on the Install from disk button...

Click the Browse button...

and using Explorer we look for our file with the *.inf extension, select it with the mouse and follow the Open button

and, of course, the OK button

Now our driver will appear in the window with a list of available drivers (if the driver is not suitable for the equipment, the system will generate an error).

Here you should pay attention to the Only compatible devices checkbox. The fact is that if the connected equipment has not been tested for compatibility with the installed version of Windows, then a driver for it will not be found, despite the fact that it may be completely working. Therefore, in some cases, this checkbox should be unchecked and the driver search repeated again.

So, after the file with the driver is found, select our driver in the list with the mouse and click Next

The driver installation will begin.

A Windows warning may appear stating that the driver being installed is not digitally signed or has not been checked for compatibility. If you are sure that the driver was taken from a reliable source and is exactly intended for the equipment being installed, then you should absolutely not be afraid of such a warning, but should agree to further install the driver. When the installation is complete, the system will display a window indicating completion. You can verify that the driver has been installed successfully in the Device Manager, where the connected device will no longer have a question mark, and its name will change to the correct one created by the manufacturer. In our case with the camera, this will be a device that appears called USB PC Camera (SN9C103)

The installation is complete, you can safely start using your new equipment!

Installing the touch screen driver on HP TouchSmart 7320

Installing a touch screen driver on an HP TouchSmart 7320 duromerJanuary 18th, 2012 This is the first time I’ve encountered such nonsense. Download the driver for NextWindow Voltron Touch Screen, run the installer, which unpacks the driver files into a folder. The effect is zero. When we try to install an inf file with the right mouse button, we receive the message “The selected INF file does not support this installation method.” We bang our heads against the upsten for a long time, then we go to the Hewlet website and carefully read the installation instructions. It turns out that there are two devices in the system with the same PID and VID (in this case VID_1926&PID_0DBD)

And for the driver to work, you need to find a device with the same PID and VID among the “Composite USB devices” and update the driver for it by specifying the .inf file.

After which everything works great. Zhzhzhuzh!

But now you can point your fingers at the big screen.

And here an unpleasant surprise awaited me - either the native driver turned out to be crooked, or Windows, or the wire... in general, the driver stopped working, the Windows device manager reported that the device was fully operational, but when I asked for adb devices in the console, I received an empty list and, Naturally, it was not possible to test the application on a tablet.

I wrote a request to TeXeT support, they even answered me with a link to the driver itself, which, as I was already convinced, did not work. I started looking for an answer on the Internet and found a bunch of different assemblies of this driver and manuals, but still none of them started up properly, and even the native driver from the SDK didn’t work at all, which made me despondent... but not despair.

Here I decided to try my hand at writing drivers using the good old method of scientific poking and opened the driver inf file. What gave me hope was the understanding that the software part of the adb interface on the tablet side should be identical for all devices, and USB worked anyway. And so, after several unsuccessful attempts at manually editing the inf file, I found a recipe for treating the inf file seasoning so that it would install and, most importantly, work.

So let's get started.

Step 1. Download the driver. If you haven't already done so, open Android SDK Manager, find the Extras section, check the Google USB Driver box, and click Install Packages. It's simple. Wait for it to load.

Step 2. Find the driver and make a copy of it in a separate folder. Go to the %android-sdk%\extras\google\ folder and see the treasured usb_driver folder there. Copy it somewhere, and we will carry out further manipulations there. In principle, you can edit the “original”, but I preferred to keep the original intact just in case.

Step 3. Edit the inf file. In the folder, open the file android_winusb.inf and look for lines like this:

;Google Nexus One %SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_0D02 %CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_0D02&MI_01 %SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_4E11 %CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Insta ll, USB\VID_18D1&PID_4E12&MI_01 Make a copy of these lines, replace Google Nexus One with %name_of_your_device% for identification in the future and... open the windows device manager. We are looking for our device there (Android, Android Composite ADB Interface or something in this style). Open the device properties, the “Details” tab, select the “Equipment ID” item in the list and see this picture. We copy the line that is most similar to the one shown in the figure (It is, in theory, just a little shorter), and paste it into our inf file.;TEXET TM-7025 %SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_0003 %CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_0003&MI_01 %SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_0003 %CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_0003&MI_01 In %SingleAdbInterface% we remove the end of the line, as you can see, in %Composite AdbInterface% is inserted entirely. There’s probably no need to repeat everything twice, but I already have everything and I’m too lazy to experiment :) Save (be careful - in some cases you need to run notepad with administrator rights, because in user mode you won’t be allowed to overwrite inf file).

Step 4. Driver installation. Now that everything is prepared, go back to the device manager and remove all previously installed adb drivers (if any). We update the list of devices and see our device without drivers. We open its properties and select “update drivers”, select the installation from the folder, specify the folder with the corrected inf and start the installation - our driver is instantly found, but during installation it may swear about incompatibility with the question “should I continue, nasalneka?” Let's continue. That's it, the driver is installed.

Step 5. Final. To be precise, unplug the USB port, wait until everything is detected, open the console (Win+R, enter cmd) and write adb devices. If everything went well, we see the treasured list item, indicating that adb now sees our device.
From now on, you can safely launch eclipse and build programs, enjoying convenient automatic assembly, installation and the ability to debug directly on your device.

If the adb command does not work for you at all. Computer -> Properties -> Environment Variables. We look for the Path variable and at the end we add (in no case overwrite) a semicolon at the end, and then the address of the folder where adb lives (usually %android-sdk%\platform-tools\). After a reboot it should work.

Sometimes adb does not start automatically when the system starts. Start manually.

What was it?

It's actually simple. For some reason (Winda is a must-have / progers have crooked hands / the Google inf-file was written only for native Google devices / the Higgs bosons have ruined everything on your computer), Windows does not want to use the Google driver for non-Google devices that are not recorded in the inf-file. Apparently, everything there is tied to these ID equipment. But the software on the vast majority of Android devices is identical in terms of the debugger connector to the PC, so the driver should communicate normally with any Android device. Our task is to deceive Windows and force it to accept the device as a “driver-compatible” one, which we did by adding its ID to the driver inf file. I hope this manual will help someone get their own Chinese or other device for which they forgot to make a normal adb driver when assembling the system, or for those who are bothered to download the official driver from the device manufacturer (this can be so annoying that it’s faster to do everything described above - This happened to me with the driver for the LG E510 phone).

P.S. I have not conducted mass testing of this method, so I cannot guarantee that it will work 100% in all cases. But it worked for me on Windows 7, and then on Windows 8. The file had to be edited separately for each time, but I don’t think that’s such a problem.

Installing the driver manually in Windows 7

The method of manually installing drivers for programs and devices sometimes helps when the usual automatic installation fails. Let's say, a recent example is installing an audio card driver for Windows 7 installed in VirtualBox. There are other examples, so this method can be quite useful.

So, you can install the driver manually as follows.

Press the key combination to open the Run window. Enter the command hdwwiz in it and click on the OK button.

The Hardware Installation Wizard will launch. In the first window, click the Next button. In the second window, select the Install equipment manually selected from the list radio button, and then click the Next button.

In the new window, select Show all devices and click Next.

As you can see, a list of all available devices will now be shown. You can search for what you need or install the driver from the disk. To do this, click on the Have disk button.

The Install from Disk window will open, in which you need to click the Browse button and navigate to the folder on the disk where the required driver file with the .INF extension is located.

Install optional products - DriverDoc (Solvusoft) | | | |

This page contains information about installing the latest INF driver downloads using the INF Driver Update Tool.

INF drivers are small programs that enable your INF hardware to communicate with your operating system software. Maintaining updated INF software prevents crashes and maximizes hardware and system performance. Using outdated or corrupt INF drivers can cause system errors, crashes, and cause your hardware or computer to fail. Moreover, installing the wrong INF drivers can make these problems worse.

Advice: If you are not sure how to update INF device drivers manually, we recommend downloading the INF Driver Utility. This tool will automatically download and update the correct versions of INF drivers, preventing you from installing the wrong INF drivers.

About the author: Jay Geater is President and Chief Executive Officer of Solvusoft Corporation, a global software company focused on innovative service offerings. He has a lifelong passion for computers and loves everything related to computers, software and new technology.

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