The virus has blocked VKontakte and Odnokassniki! How to remove a virus (Trojan) blocking entry to social networks Odnoklassniki, in contact Odnoklassniki are infected with a virus, what to do.

It all started as usual. I turned on the computer, went to pour myself some coffee, launched the browser... I decided that I needed to go to Odnoklassniki and check if anyone had written to me.

If you are reading this article, you have probably already encountered such messages when you visited social media: Remember:

If the VKontakte or Odnoklassniki website does not load for you

Dr.Web warns!

Doctor Web company warns about the danger of infection new version Trojan.Zekos malware, one of whose functions is to intercept DNS requests on an infected computer.
If we talk in simple language, then this Trojan redirects you to the website of the attackers in order to profit from you. Therefore, the administration of the Webtreveller site strongly recommends updating your antivirus software and being careful, because scammers use a site design identical to the real one. In addition, the fake web page displayed real usernames, so many victims of the scam did not notice the substitution and thought that their social network account had actually been hacked. Be carefull!

Recently, users often encounter problems logging into their social network accounts. The most common situation is the appearance of an account validation window, where the owner of a VKontakte or Odnoklassniki page is asked to confirm his phone number by sending a message from it to the specified number.

Let us note right away: there is no validation in Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. You verify your number in your account settings and receive an access code instead of sending messages from your phone.

Therefore, if you see a window asking you to send a message to restore your Odnoklassniki page, then you know that you have caught a virus

The reasons for the appearance of a virus that blocks login to an account on social networks can be different:

  • Follow links in spam.
  • Installation of unknown applications.
  • Visiting suspicious sites.
  • Working on the network without antivirus and firewall enabled.
  • Infection from removable media, etc.

There may be other ways of penetration, but now we are more interested in solving the problem that has arisen. Let's see how to remove a virus from Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or another social network.

Virus removal

Usually the problem with the appearance of the validation window is easily solved: you need to restore the hosts file on Windows 7 or other OS you are using.

For those who don’t know how to do this, let’s repeat the procedure:

The contents of the file should look like this:

Make sure that inside the text document that opens there are no extra lines or addresses to which the virus will redirect you when you try to get to a page on a social network.

If you find extra lines, do not delete them. Close Notepad and rename the file to "hosts.old".

Then right click on free space and select “Create Text Document" Give it the name “hosts” and copy the following text into it:

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.

# This is a samle HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.

# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each

# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.

# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one

# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

# lines or following the machine name denoted by a ‘#’ symbol.

# # source server

# # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.

# localhost

Close the document and save your changes. As a result, you should get a picture like this:

If restoring the hosts file does not help, try using methods that allow you to remove the banner from your computer. Use antivirus programs and special healing utilities such as Dr.Web CureIT, which check the system and protect the computer from various types threats.

In this article we will talk about the virus that does not allow classmates to enter, which or as this case is also called - account validation in Odnoklassniki, or “page confirmation”. Binding personal mobile number user's phone number to confirm identity on a social network is called validation.

This social network is very convenient because everyone can communicate with their friends, colleagues, acquaintances, find new friends and do a whole bunch of other things. Taking advantage of this, there are hackers who, under all this noise, are trying to make a fortune for themselves.

One fine day, going into social network on classmates, virus may display the following: “Your profile is blocked” - this is the result of the activity of the Odnoklassniki virus on your PC. Or even classmates hacked the virus and used their malicious code.

What to do in this case when the virus blocked classmates:

  • Do not allow your phone number to be entered. Otherwise, you will give hackers all your contacts and access to your phone number.
  • Do not send any SMS from mobile phone. Here you can get a huge negative balance, and at the same time they will not open access to you.

The idea of ​​the scammers who came up with the 5537 Odnoklassniki virus is to put their website in place of the real one. The virus blocks entry to Odnoklassniki by replacing the IP addresses of the real site with the addresses of the pest’s owner’s site, which makes the trick very sophisticated. You think that this is your page, but in fact you are on the page of some Evgesha Rostovsky. The principle of operation when a virus has blocked VKontakte and Odnoklassniki is very similar, but there are some differences in removing the virus blocking Odnoklassniki! The virus has blocked my classmates, what should I do?

How to remove a virus from classmates

Let us note right away that this SMS virus, classmates, is constantly being modified, which means that the available methods how to clean classmates from the virus may not be relevant tomorrow. LET'S GET STARTED!

The virus blocks Odnoklassniki, how to remove it by cleaning the system file

The file needs to be cleared Hosts from extra entries. It is located in the directory . Open it with text editor and erase everything below the line. You were able to clear Odnoklassniki of the virus yourself, congratulations!

After which you will need to restart your computer and change your password on the page! We think the latter is not worth explaining. If the virus blocking Odnoklassniki is not removed, you can contact our computer repair and setup service

How to remove the virus in Odnoklassniki using antivirus prevention

The method is not the most effective, but you can still use it to check your classmates for viruses. We launch a scanner for any of the listed antiviruses and wait for the scanning to finish, after which we restart the computer and try to access our page! If everything is still the same, we try to carry out this operation with another antivirus. Go for it, good luck!

Updated: 12/7/12

Account validation in Odnoklassniki and VKontakte

The browser does not access the Odnoklassniki and VKontakte websites, requiring you to validate your account and enter your phone number.

The text in the message and on the Odnoklassniki website and in VKontakte is the same: " Account validation. Your phone number is needed so that we can send you a confirmation code and make sure that you are a real person!

...This measure was taken in order to protect users from automated spam bots. Having access to the specified number, you can always recover the password to your page."

Do not believe this message and do not enter your phone number. This is a virus that blocks classmates and contacts. Now I will tell you how to remove a virus with a message.

Account validation in Odnoklassniki and VKontakte

What is an account An account or account, as a rule, contains information necessary to identify the user when connecting to the system, information for authorization and accounting. This is the username ( login

) and password. The password or its equivalent is typically stored in encrypted or hashed form to ensure its security. For authentication, hardware can be used (generating one-time keys, reading biometric characteristics, etc.), as well as one-time passwords. Internet users perceive account

, as a personal page, account, perhaps even a place for storing personal and other information on a certain Internet resource (platform).

Virus writers do not sit still and come up with new ways to deceive. Account validation in Odnoklassniki and VKontakte- one of them.

Although the method itself remains the same - the hosts file (more details), its implementation is new and quite primitive.

But precisely because of this primitiveness, anti-virus scanners are still powerless here. It is not a virus as such. The essence of the problem is to replace the hosts file with an infected one every time booting Windows

. Therefore, simply cleaning the hosts file will not help here. There is a script in startup that copies the infected hosts file from the Temp folder to the folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc


Let's delete it. Specifically in this case, the script is located in the Programs - Startup folder. Treatment is best carried out by loading Windows in safe mode. So, go to the menu. Right click on the shortcut Adobe Updater.

and select from the context menu Delete New modifications of viruses change the name of the file, but the essence remains the same. If in doubt, it is better to remove all shortcuts from the Startup menu. In addition, in some modifications of the virus, the script file is hidden in order to

remove account validation

you need to enable access to hidden folders. Now run the AVZ antivirus, you can download it.

Go to the menu File - System Restore Check the box Cleaning Hosts file.

. Now click the button

Perform marked operations Click Yes in the window that appears. After recovery, click OK. Now close the Restore System Settings window. Now scan your computer for viruses. To do this, in the main AVZ window, select Local disk (C:) And

Carry out treatment . Then click the Start button to start scanning..

That's basically all. After this, access to all sites will be open, and the message

Account validation in Odnoklassniki and Contact will disappear